The Royal Demand (I)

Trotting behind the royal guards, they weaved in and out through buildings, crossed bridges, and finally arrived at the foothold of the castle. The castle was a beautiful pearly white glimmering underneath the sun's rays. But unfortunately, the dazzling white castle made it difficult for people to focus on it because it was too bright. Only on cloudy days was it easier to glimpse the proud standing castle that towered over the city.

The crystal clear waters of Lake Jewels sparkled vibrantly light blue as they reflected the sky. Small luxurious boats floated leisurely around the lake as nobles took their daily pleasures. The cheerful laughs of the adults and children playing in the lake could be heard loudly as Zero passed by. He stared enviously, for he, too, wanted to take a cool dip on this hot summer day. But, of course, having a black feathery fur coat didn't make it any better either.

Zero was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable, even though he could withstand heat. Maybe it was all in his mind due to the beating sun making him uncomfortable, or it was possibly meeting the King himself.

It's just a game. Zero reminded himself. What was there to be antsy about?

After crossing the bridge, walking through the small island, and finally, through the winding path up the steep mountain-like hill, they arrived at the castle gates. The gates opened up with loud grinding sounds of metal against metal for them to enter.

Streams of royal purple and silver banners decorated the walls of the interior hallways. The Lion crest decorated the walls. Loud trumpets blared, announcing their entrance. Up on the dais, a middle-aged King and his wife sat comfortably. Their elegant and majestic attire was a simple mix of summer clothes that were not overly covered with fur but more like thin cotton clothes so the breeze could keep them cool.

The King leaned forward as he watched with interest. The King had never seen a creature like Zero, which fascinated him. Both Zero and Agnis stopped at a distance away from the King and the Queen. Agnis bowed elegantly, while Zero nodded his head. In his Origin form, he did not know if he should go on his hind legs and bow like a human or give him a deep grovel-like bow. Both thoughts did not agree with him; instead, he gave him a short nod with his long neck.

Zero thought the King would topple out of his chair for a moment from leaning towards them so much.

"Are you the creature that slew that giant?" asked the King? His voice was loud and strong.

"Yes. I am," said Zero, "but I was not the only one who stopped Lilith. The other Adventurers helped chip away at her health. I was lucky enough to be present at the last blow." Zero humbly replied.

"You are humble, and you put your companions first. I like that." The King replied. "For all the Adventurers who helped in the suppression of the rampage of Lilith, they would be handsomely rewarded. But, on the other hand, I am sad to hear that she was once our past famed Hero. To see the legends come back to haunt us in the most unexpected ways was truly shocking." The King sat back, his voice slightly wavering.

"I hope you don't mind if I speak out of turn."

"You may."

"The true Hero Lilith was not at fault; it was the demon blood that contaminated her body and mind that warped the once great hero."

"That is true, but I am afraid the citizens might not see the truth. Once disaster strikes, they need a scapegoat to take away their pain and suffering. It seems already the citizens had spoken out in outcry to take down her statue."

Zero understood, but at the same time, he was baffled by what he was hearing. The citizens all saw the illusion magic display in the movie. They knew what had happened to Lilith and how she ended up in such a way. He took pity on the great Hero who fell and became a monster.

"It does not matter what she has done in the past anymore. The recent rampage has affected the lives of many. It is difficult to erase such a disaster from the minds of the citizens in one day. Only time will tell and heal the wounds. The honor of Lilith is not what I have called you here for."

Zero did not go any further with the argument; He did not want to make an enemy out of one of the world's highest-ranking NPCs right now. So instead, he silently listened.

"Like the other Adventurers that had come before you, they were all rewarded for their dedication to this Kingdom. Likewise, the leaders of Hercules guild and Grand Legion had been summoned before you. They have received their rewards and have already left." The King stood up. "For your dedication and service to the Kingdom, I award you this weapon. It has been crafted by the best blacksmith of the Kingdom."

A man comes from the King's left side, holding a pair of claw-like weapons. It was completely black with gold designs on the weapon. The man walked up towards Zero and handed him the claw weapons in hand. Zero gratefully picked it up with glee and slipped it into his hands. It twinkled like radiant stars. The man quickly inched away nervously when Zero picked up the claw weapon.

Talons of the falcon

Minimum weapon level requirement 130.

This weapon was made by the finest blacksmith in the Kingdom. The claw weapon protects your own personal claws from breaking.

+ 50 attack power

+ 33 defense

+ 1% chance of breaking low-level weapons

+ 3% chance of causing heavy bleeding effect

+500 Fame has been given by the King for your effort in slaying the rampaging monster called Lilith.

Zero's grinned. Today was truly like a birthday from all his gifts and good fortune. He did not expect there to be something his Origin form could wear. However, the thought of his Origin form being allowed to wear armor excited him about the future combinations and possibilities given to him.

"Thank you." Once again, Zero gave him a nod but a bit deeper. "It fits wonderfully."

"Now then, on to the next problem." the King sat back with his arms on his lap. "The issue is with the Royal Library. Have you heard of the Drezo Regalia?"

Zero's ears perked at the word. How the King knew this, he did not know. "That would be me, sire. I am a Drezo Regalia."

"You are." The King perked up from Zero's answer. "You are this so-called Drezo Regalia?"


"I see. Then with this in order, since ancient times. In the contract between my past relatives' bloodline and the Drezo Regalia, we must administer one test to see your worth to keep the Royal Library. I do not feel this is enough to even consider giving the Royal Library to you. Royal property is not lightly just given away."

"If you don't mind," Zero had begun to rummage through the Zenith bag. Then, finally, he pulled out the contract and rightfully gave him the Royal Library. "In actuality, it's called the Draconis Library." He corrected, and he handed the document over to a page that brought it to the King.

"I see..." The King scanned the paper, "the mark of the Infinity. Truly this is the mark that can not be forged." When finished reading, the King handed it back to the Page, and the Page gave the paper to Zero.

"Even though this is proof, there is a second part to the contract that I have. All I ask you to do is one task. Hunt down the Minotaur that resides in the Maze of Geruem. Then I will not ask you about the Royal- I mean Draconis Library anymore. There is a second part to the agreement between my ancestors and the Drezo Regalia to do one favor that equals the value of the Draconis Library. Bring me the Golden Eye. Then I shall give you the other half of the contract between our two species."

Zero was taken aback. He thought he had gained the Draconis Library without many difficulties, but he should've known that it was not that simple. Gaining such a large reward without effort was like an illusion considered false hope. He already saw the possibilities of his flying Draconis Library. It was considered a huge benefit in the long run.

"I'll do it." Zero replied in a stern tone. "He was ready to take on the challenge laid before him."

"Good. I am glad to hear such words," said the King. He motioned to the same young Page that gave him his weapon and handed him a map. "This is the clue where the Maze of Geruem lies. So someone like you might understand where it could be."

Zero gratefully received the map while Agnis looked over his shoulder to see what it was about.

The Quest to retrieve the Golden Eye has been initiated and accepted.

An ancient contract between the Drezo Regalia and the King has been brought back to life. The King has asked you to bring back the Golden Eye from the Maze of Geruem in the Continent of Electric for the Drezo Regalia to truly own the building of Draconis Library.

Difficulty: C

Reward: The 2nd half of the Certificate of Draconis Library.

Failure: The loss of Draconis Library