Brooding Mother Hen (III)

"If you don't mind, would you like to go get something to eat? I'm a bit famished, and the room will not be ready till nightfall."

"We would love to join," said Bishop Sanya. "I was going to ask where the lounge was."

"Well, I'll show you the way." Zero walked out towards a large building away from the Draconis Library. The small group walked over to the Green Dragon's Inn. Pushing open the door, Zero's group entered. Everyone went silent when they noticed Zero and the Bishop of Infinity. Whispers could be heard as they watched curiously.

"Isn't that Bishop Etran and Bishop Sanya? What are they doing here?"

"You don't get to see this every day. Who would've thought that such an important figure would come here? It's too weird to see them mingle with the commoners."

"I know, right? Isn't that the next Bishop in line?"

"What's the occasion anyways? Is something special going on?"

Zero was unphased by their questionable looks. He walked over to a round table and pulled up a chair. "I'm sorry, I don't have any fancy place to feed you right now. Draconis Library is still under renovation, so the kitchen is not even complete. "

"It's alright. I do enjoy the warm atmosphere of an Inn. It brings up old memories during my travels." Bishop Sanya replied. She sat herself down. The soldiers that were following them waited outside for them to finish.

"You've gone outside the walls of the city?" Zero thought the twin Bishops had never stepped outside the city walls and were instead pampered in the enclosed Church.

"My brother and I have gone out on missions to take down fierce monsters that terrorized the city walls."

"Really?" Zero did not expect both the Bishops to have their hands dirtied out in the field.

"If you don't mind sharing?"

"I don't mind it at all, child. Thirty years ago, during our apprenticeship, we went with a large group of soldiers to hunt down the Krayon, a bird monster that terrorized the farming lands."

"Sis, if you're talking about the same bird, I don't think that monster was a big deal. It hardly even put up a fight."

Bishop Etran stopped writing in his notebook. He looked up and interjected in on their conversation. "What are you talking about? I thought we did well on our first adventure."

"Well? That was hardly anything. You should be talking about when we took out the giant lizard, Tribune, instead. That one was a lot more difficult to bring down."

"I don't know. I thought that was easier to kill than Krayon."

"Those are all rare creatures." Silver whispered with awe. Her eyes sparkled at their achievements. Bishop Sanya and Bishop Etran were arguing as they tried to outmatch the other.

"They're that strong?" Zero whispered towards Silver. He, too, was shocked to hear such words from Silver.

"Yes. They are known to be considered top-class fighters and healers. Not only that, their group has killed countless mythical creatures that you don't hear as often."

"Wait. Back up. Who's the fighter and the healer? Aren't they both priests at that time?"

"Bishop Sanya was the first-class monk. She led a lot of preemptive strikes while her brother was the healer in their group."

Zero was stunned at what he heard. He did not see Bishop Sanya as the type to fight on the front lines. He thought they would back up the soldiers so they would not die.

"Their group was called the Black Lion. In it, there was Bishop Sanya, Bishop Etran, two female holy knights, Veronica and Emily, an archer, Tim, and a magician Ken. They were considered the best team ever created in the Fire Continent."

"Do they still hold up to that name?" Zero was curious if their power level had decreased over time. He had seen Bishop Sanya's powerful light and sound ability, but he never saw her fight. The thought of the Bishop fighting was a sight he wanted to see. "You know age can decrease one's power over time."

"I'm not sure. Ten years ago, the Black Lions had dispersed. Each respectively going into their own city. We don't know much about the others, but the City of Diadem was blessed with both Bishop Etran and Bishop Sanya."

"How come both Bishops came to stay at this city instead? There are other churches out there."

"I think the reason was that they liked the blooming of the spring flowers. Since then, the main Church has been built here in this kingdom. Bishop Sanya's aloof attitude over a simple decision is the root for all her decisions."

"I see."

A young redhead waiter came over to their table. "Hi. Welcome to Green Dragon Inn. What would you like to order today?" She glanced from one person to the next. Finally, her sight stopped upon Bishop Etran and Bishop Sanya. Her demeanor changed to a complete 180. "Your excellency! Seeing you grace us with your presence here at this inn is an honor. I'm so sorry. We would have gotten you a bigger table if we knew earlier that you were coming."

Both Bishops stopped arguing, and Bishop Sanya answered. "No. No. It's alright. We don't want you to go through all that trouble."


"I actually like where we are sitting. In a corner where we could have a small conversation with the guardian of Draconis Library." She pointed out towards Zero.

"Guardian? The Guardian?" The waitress's eyes grew large when she set her sights on him. "I can't believe it. So many famous people all coming to our humble inn." She was so excited that her voice got louder. Everyone in the room strained to hear their conversation. "Is it true? That you are the last of your race?"

"Well, not-"

She cut him off from her excitement. "You're so young. How were you able to go through the Maze of Gereum and come out unscathed?"

"I had friends who had helped me succeed."

"That would make a lot more sense. Though I wonder, are you even human?" The waitress peered around him, trying to find something unusual. "I heard you were some giant lizard, but everything about you screams a human child."

Zero did not like how he was continuously stared at and asked questions that he didn't want to answer. Especially since she was starting to annoy him with her behavior.

"If you don't mind, I would like to order."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry so much. What would you like?"

"Steak with macaroni and cheese," said Zero. "Please make it medium-rare."

The waiter chirpily replied. "What about you, your excellency?"

"We do not eat pork or beef. However, we would like to try anything you recommend, dear."

"Then how about the lemon-baked chicken breast with green beans?"

"That sounds wonderful."

"I'll get the same thing as my sister."

"I would like baked fish, please," said Silver. She was sipping on the water that the waitress had brought over.

"What about you, young sir?" The waitress asked Anglo.

"Sauteed Mushrooms chicken with cheesy broccoli. If you don't mind, could you put a bit more cheese, please?"

"Coming right up." The waitress went to the kitchen to place the order. The voices of the people that were watching them grew louder.

"Did you hear? The guardian of Draconis Library is here."

"You serious? It's that kid? How the hell did he get the Library."

"This is so not fair."

"How about we beat him and take the library for ourselves."

"Are you stupid? The Bishop of Infinity is here. They will have you locked up in a heartbeat."

"I wish I was in his shoes. I would love to have good standings with the Church of Infinity."

"Don't let their words get to you," Anglo said. Throughout the whole time, he was listening in on the people. "They are just jealous of the accomplishments that you have achieved. Some people just don't know any better."

"I know. I push aside what they say as if it's nothing. What they say is no concern of mine. Though I do got watch for a couple of them."

"Don't worry. The Church of Infinity will protect you in your Village."

"Thanks." Zero silently sat, listening in on both the conversation of Bishop Sanya and Bishop Etran. Finally, the food was delivered, and Zero hungrily ate his food. He forgot how starved he was in his room mixing his concoctions. He was so focused at times that he forgot to take care of himself. With a slurp of his drink and chomp of his food, Zero ate without a care for his image. All he could think of at this moment was to satisfy his avatar's hunger.

"Thank you for the meal." Bishop Sanya dabbed herself with a napkin. "It has been a while since I went out to eat food from the locals. I think I might do this again in the immediate future."

"I'm glad that you enjoyed your meal. The room should be ready. Why don't we go and get you guys to settle in?"

"That would be wonderful," said Bishop Sanya, cheerful. Zero placed money on the table and got up. Everyone followed after Zero and went out the door. The sun was setting as it cast its orange-yellow light down. The magical atmosphere around the Draconic Village was lively with people. Even during the night, the couples enjoyed the setting sun. Their hands wrapped tightly as they whispered their love for one another into each other.