Fight for a righteous cause or not? (II)

What was completely different from this fight was that the ashen-colored Frogman could also damage the second group but couldn't be physically harmed by them.

"Den! Keep the dead at bay from the living!" Sekka called out. She was casting an area-wide effect of holy light with her gold dragon teammates. A warm protective aura hit every member of the first and the second group, giving a temporary holy light shield around their body.

Zero was awed at Sekka's power to transcend to the other side of the physical barrier, if only at half the strength. Even still, that was enough to protect them from illness, curses, and shields that blocked them from dark magic attacks.

"I'm on it!" Den and his group zipped forward with their companions on their backs. They struck at the ashen-colored Frogman that went after the second party.

With a grunt, Salik summoned more Frogmen, doubling the second wave of attack.

Val's sweet voice sprung from her mouth, and her songs began to play, giving a temporary boost in status. All the other bronze dragons and their companions followed pursuit, increasing the power of their song. A harmonious sound of the living and the dead created an eerie but heart-thumping song that revitalized both sides of the group.

Even Zero was itching to fight and test out what he could do. So he started to jog toward the enemy. Agnis, Baku, and Turnip's group followed behind Zero, while Sekka, Kai, and Bee's group stood back to cover the group's rear doing crowd control. Long-distance magic was cast from their side, clearing the path for Zero, Baku, and Bee to follow.

They had two factors to worry about, the dead Frogman and the living Frogman that spilled over to the dead when they died. Everyone had to be careful not to ignore the living Frogman for fear of being stabbed in the back from not paying attention.

Baku and Turnip each shot out fire and water from their mouths, pushing back the Frogmen that

came out in droves.

Zero slipped past Baku and Turnip's group and shot forward. His Kamori, beside him, struck Salik. Not even a second later, his sword slid through Salik as if he wasn't even there. A blast of black energy erupted from Salik's body, throwing Zero back. He flew and landed, sliding on the ground.

"What?" Stunned, Zero got up in complete disbelief. Was he not able to even defeat Salik without killing him first in the physical realm? But then, how could Salik possibly harm him in the spiritual world?

"Die!" Agnis shouted. Her arrows shot through, piercing the air. Once again, her arrows completely bypassed Agnis and came out the other side unharmed. Then, with a thunk, it embedded itself into the wall. Flabbergasted, Agnis was dazed at what had just happened.

"Pay attention to its color! It's phasing in between the spiritual and physical world!" Zeraph

rushed over, his sword swoosh through the air and entered its gut with a jab.

Salik groaned, and in a matter of seconds, the heavy hammer dragging on the ground suddenly swung around, hitting Zeraph on his side. A sickening crack could be heard, but luckily for

Zeraph, he pulled his sword out just in time to block the attack. Seconds later, he was viciously slammed into the opposite wall from Zero.

Just a moment later, Salik roared and let out a blast of energy that sent out an electric shock wave. The shock wave range took out half the room, causing everyone near him to be electrocuted. Players were stunned left and right, and only those casting magic could get away because of their distance.

Frogmen were once again summoned around Zero's stunned group. Suddenly, multiple magic arrows drew them away. Sekka's group dashed forward, stopping the Frogmen from taking out the magic casters. They retaliated with fire and claw, making sure that none came close.

"Seka! They're coming again from the left!" Leaf, Sekka's partner, shot a magical arrow toward the second wave of Frogmen that died from under the second group. After that, the constant battle from the summoned Frogmen to the Frogmen that resurrected Salik's phasing from one dimension to the next made it much more difficult to fight all at once.

The Second group broke into two groups, one taking care of the Frogmen and the second dove towards Salik on all sides. Salik was not fast on his feet, but its long arms were like whips that deflected the oncoming hordes of dragons and their companion.

Roars, flames, and even clashing swords against hammer boomed outwards. However, Salik didn't falter and kept pushing forward even though it had large cuts and blood seeping out of its body. As the second group relentlessly attacked, Salik's color slowly started to turn ashen till finally, all of the second group's attacks did not phase it at all.

"First group, get ready to attack! The second group pulled back now! Do not get caught up by its attack!" Zero yelled. Throughout the fight, when the second group was fighting, he was killing Frogmen and watching Salik's pattern.

Moments later, Salik sent out a stunning electrical attack that blew outwards toward the second group but not harming the first group.

"Now!" Zero dashed forward; he struck head-on. Zeraph followed behind; each taking turns to injure Salik as best as they could.

Taking a step backward, he ducked before the heavy blow of the hammer could crush Zero's skull. The close encounter made his heart jump up into his throat.

Valiant dove in and blew a blast of green fire. His claws pushed downwards onto Salik's heavy hammer, blowing fire into its deformed face. Salik's face slowly started to melt like wax, but even still, he was not backing down. Instead, the other hand snaked around the heavy hammer and smashed into Valiant's jaw. Following after, Salik wheeled around and smashed the hammer into Valiant's side.

A heavy impact of the hammer hit his hard black scales, causing him to fly past Sekka and into the magician's group. With a thud, he crumbled onto the floor, breathing heavily from his injury.

"Valiant!" Reed yelled as she rushed over to his side.

Valiant coughed up blood and spat it on the ground next to him. "That bastard's hits are no joke."

"You idiot! You're not some god!" Reed shouted in anger. She placed her hands over Valiant's injury and gave him first aid.

"I know, but I made its face uglier," Valiant spoke with a grin, happy that his fire harmed Salik's body. The other dragon's flames did not cause much damage, but Valiant's did.

"Quit talking; get healed first."

"We don't have time." Valiant shakily got up, but his legs gave out, and he fell back to the ground.

"Well. Well. Well. The idiot has finally got badly injured." Kai walked over with a smirk on his face. "How would you like to get healed? Burnt alive? Drown alive? Suffocated alive? Possibly buried alive?"

"Why does everything sound like you want to kill me?" Valiant frowned when Kai walked over. His gleaming green scales sparkled even under the dim light, giving it a gentle vibrant feel.

"Why not? You and Sekka must be killed in my hands to get your head on straight." Kai roughly pushed Valiant onto his side, not even caring that he was an injured patient.

Valiant groaned and spat a puff of green fire onto Kai's face. "Careful! I think I broke a couple of ribs!"

"Good." Kai pressed his hands down near Valiant's side with a wicked grin. "You need some pain to straighten out that idiot head of yours." His claw hand became brilliant green, and a large soft aura started to heal Valiant's side.

"You're a demon." Valiant hissed.

"I'm not an idiot like you, at least."


A shock wave of energy shot outwards, this time bigger than before. Zero, Zeraph, and Agnis were in the middle of the battle with Salik. Each one held back the monster with everything they got. Zero's and Seraph's swords were like a pair of cranes doing their ritualistic dance as they jabbed, struck, and stabbed.

Salik did not phase in-between dimensions; instead, its fury couldn't be contained. The giant hammer swung like a toy from all around him. However, few could get close to Salik and harm him directly. Mostly magic and arrows were able to hit Salik's body, but it was not strong enough to cause significant harm.

On its body, Salik became littered with broken arrows that snapped off its deformed body.




The sound of the heavy hammer being hit down onto the ground picked up dust and broke deep into the ground.

Zero, Zeraph, and Agnis were hopping around, trying not to get hit too badly by its hammer. They knew that a few well-landed hits could shave their health down to the floor.

Zero flew in from the right, his sword slashed forward into three strikes, and his third strike got caught in-between Salik's armpit. Then, with a grunt, Zero pushed all his strength into his arm and pulled upwards, slicing Salik's shoulder clean.

Salik dropped his bloody hammer and flew toward the sword's blade. Salik took Zero's sword out of his hands with a vicious yank and twirled it against Zero. Strange energy encompassed Zero's sword, causing it to have erratic energy. Usually, his sword couldn't harm him because it was made from his energy, but the one flying toward Zero was different. The broken sword was thrown into Zero's shoulder, pinning him to the ground.

"Augh!" Zero yelled out in pain. He reached over towards the hilt in the hopes of pulling it out, but the hilt was too far away for him to grab. Black blood covered the whole blade, and a wild hissing sound could be heard on Zero's shoulder. The black blood was slowly eroding his shoulder, giving him a painful burn.

"Zero!" Agnis fired arrow after arrow into the open gash of Salik's wound, making Salik stumble backward in pain.

Zeraph dashed forward in front of Zero. "Death Flash!" A flurry of attacks that even a Zero couldn't see after were shot towards in rapid succession. Several large wounds opened up, gushing out black blood.

Agnis pulled the sword out of Zero's shoulder and pulled him away from Salik's rampaging hand. A deadly whirling roar fired out from Salik's mouth. The whirlwind-like attack pushed everyone back, and following after was an electric blast. Its body color turned from ashen to vibrant, moving dimensions.

Zeraph, Zero, and Agnis were caught up in its electric blast, unable to move. Large swarms of Frogmen hopped toward them to kill them in their immobile state.

"Captain!" A blur of black and gold sprung forward, guarding all three of them against the Frogmen's attack. Their group followed after, pushing back the Frogmen from over-running them.

"Are you alright, captain?!" Valiant spat out the green fire and smashed a Frogman into the

ground. He was completely healed from Kai's magic.

Sekka swirled around, bashing them with her golden tail. Light magic arrows flew all around her, causing devastation with every step she took. To see two giant dragons fighting side-by-side was truly an extraordinary sight, especially of two opposing dragon forces that, even through endless generations, would always quarrel against one another.

"Thanks to you." Agnis helped up zero. The stunning effect was finally gone, allowing them to get up.

"I'm glad you're okay, Captain. That was a sweet attack~" Valiant happily squashed a Frogman with his claws. A sickening squish could be heard, but this did not phase Valiant.

Instead, Reed, who was on his back, twitched and looked like she was about to hurl.

"Glad to see you guys here," Agnis spoke with a sigh. "This idiot forgot that he almost got himself killed."

"That's what I say to Valiant all the time!" Reed threw her hands in the air, completely understanding Agnis's point.

"He'll be fine." Zeraph rolled his eyes. He flicked his sword free of black blood and put it back into his sheath.

"Fine? That's a matter of opinion. He would've died if we didn't save him." Agnis frowned.

"This is a battle. You'll eventually die if you're not careful."

"That's why we have friends backing each other up." Agnis sighed at Seraph's answer.

"No time to dawdle. It seems the second group had forced it to cross back into our dimension." So Zeraph ran off and once again battled Salik.

"So soon?" Agnis was stumped on how quickly Salik had shifted back into their side.

"The injury might be telling us that it's close to death. Let's get this over and done with." Zero gritted his teeth and straightened himself. He took a pill out of his pocket and chewed on it. A small burst of energy could be felt as his body started to repair itself.

"Wait, let me heal you." Agnis raised her hands and gave him a gentle water-healing spell for beginners. "It's not much, but at least it's something."
