The last days of Anonymity

Two Days Later, Memphis entertainment.

Nari held the strap of her black tote bag as she walked into Memphis entertainment. Her lips curved as she took in the sight of the visitors and members of staff walking around in the reception.

She felt a sudden sense of comfort from the sight that she did not feel the last time she was here. Today was the first day of practice and instead of using the artist entrance, she decided to use the front entrance.

She wanted to enjoy the feel of walking through her as an unknown as much as she could. That was something she would lose the moment she debuted.

Nari's smile widen as she met Yumi's toothless smile. 

"Let's go," she mouthed grabbing Yumi's hand. They grinned as they skipped forward. They attracted a lot of attention but people quickly dismissed them as excited fans.