At The Second Floor

Despite Joanna's nudge he still went ahead to speak his mind. "The clothes were just fine, there is nos need to be picky…,"

"Maybe you found them ok but not to me," Amos replied looking at her face.

"Those clothes have been selected and rejected by them," Amos said, tilting his head and looking in the direction of the women sneaking glances at them.

"My woman is not a dumpster, she deserves nothing but the absolute best. Nothing lesser than the best is befitting for her," Amos left Joanna speechless with his amazing words.

As far as she can recall none has spoken so highly of her before.

In fact, her family thinks she is worse than a dumpster and that is why even clothes, shoes and handbags discarded by Laura were not usually given to her.

Listening to him speak so highly of her in front of so many people made her feel the warmth she hasn't felt before.

[He sure has a way of making me feel loved and valuable. He is one of a kind]