Miss Viviana

He turned back to look at the handbags screaming for him to purchase them.

"If you don't want me to think that all of my years of hard work was in vain then no more arguments ok," He concluded seriously.

When she didn't say a word against his choices anymore, he took her silence for consent.

"Get them all wrapped up," Amos said to the sales representative. He led his woman to the shoe section afterwards.

Other customers that didn't notice their presence before started to notice them after the large order of rare designer handbags that he ordered.

Their eyes followed every movement the couple made. The sales representative followed them making sure that none of her colleagues stole her thunder.

At the shoe section, Amos took his time to examine the shoes carefully.

"I want this… that… and those," Amos finally decided after some minutes of careful examination. 

He made his orders known by pointing at the shoes.