Get Her

"Is it that I lack something other ladies have or does he not find my body appealing anymore because of the heinous scars?" 

The thought that her scars might have been the reason he ran away from her made Joanna loathe her scars and those who inflicted them on her more than she has ever done.

As she was busy resenting herself and her scars, Kayden standing on the ground floor looked at the window of his room.

[So what if our mate bond will be activated through bite or sex?... Yes, I will get what I want but what was not destined to be yours will never be yours even though you use force or unhandy means to get it. This is not what I want]

Instead of regretting that he abandoned a very tasty meal at his home to stand outside in the dead of the night, he was happy he chose to do the right thing even at such a difficult time and place.