Mr Aidan Made His First Move

She started walking back to the cafe in big strides. There was a point she even ran just to be able to get there sooner.

Reaching the front of the glass building, the gasping Joanna halted. She tried to regulate her breathing.

Standing there, her palpitating heart won't stop racing even though her breathing has returned to normal.

"Gosh, I feel so nervous!" Joanna remarked as she rubbed her palms together.

After standing there for over two minutes Joanna approached the glass door. She tried as much as she could not to show her excitement on her black face.

Entering the cafe she scanned the entire cafe with her eyes. They were only a handful of customers there so she didn't need to look too long to realise that Amos was not there.

Joanna's expression fell instantly. As she approached the counter she didn't notice that a man's eyes had been fixated on her ever since she stepped foot into the cafe.