Fight And Blames

"You both were the ones who put on a flawless act. You played me for a fool all this while. You knew I hated him but you didn't care about my feelings. Who could be a better actress than you huh?" Audrey retorted.

"You think I didn't care about your feelings huh?" Joanna questioned letting go of Amos' hand.

"Because you didn't like him, I had to pretend to dislike him too. I was practically walking on eggshells all this time because I was afraid you would get hurt if you discovered the truth…,"

"And are you trying to say it was my fault?" Audrey cut in sharply.

If only it wasn't Joanna, she wouldn't have forced herself to be so cool-headed. Her fist would have been the one which does the talking.

"Drey, that's not what…,"

"Anna, do you want me to begin telling you why I hate him? Do you need me to remind you that he is the reason why our relationship has come down to this?" Audrey questioned while glaring at Amos.
