She Ran Away

[Drey, you can't give in just yet. I am sure she wouldn't understand the depth of what she did if you forgive her so soon]

Audrey who was starting to get swayed by Amos' words cautioned herself.

"There is no need to tell me all these because I don't care about what happens to her…," 

"Really?" He retorted his gaze centred on her face. "Are you sure you don't care about her anymore?" He demanded.

"Of course I am sure…,"

"Do you think I don't always see you peeping out of the window to check up on her each time we stake out in front of your home?" Amos cut in softly.

Audrey who looked like she had a lot to say went quiet when she realised that what she did that was supposed to be a secret was no longer a secret.

"I also listened to a few words you said… Audrey, you can lie to everyone and pretend as much as you want that you dislike Joan but know that you can't fool me," He asserted in a gentle tone.