Amos Bullied Mr Fin

"Joan, you are misunderstanding something here," Mr Fin tried to call her attention. He didn't like the feeling of being scolded by a younger lady at all.

Especially when what happened was just an act. At that moment he regretted coming up with this idea.

If he had known that Kayden was gonna modify their plans at the last minute and used him to get his woman to open the door he wouldn't have executed the plan.

[I will surely get back at this sly King some other times]

He was too distracted to realize that he was glaring at Amos and Joanna happened to see him.

"You are even glaring at him…,"

"I know you wouldn't believe whatever I say so I think I should leave," Mr Fin said, standing up from the couch where he sat.

He secretly scowled at the guy who was trying his best not to burst out in a peal of deafening laughter.

"Finley, I know it was bad of me to provoke you that way so I apologized…,"