It's Both Of You!

While they talked he played with Joanna's cell phone which was in his possession.

He waited for them to stop talking before he spoke up. "Big Sis, you and Brother Amos promised to take me out, can we do that today?" He asked politely.

"Today?" Amos and Anthony's half yelled. They stared at each other, surprised that they shared the same thoughts.

"Grandma will be coming soon. I don't know when I would have time to spend with the two of you…," The car jerked to a halt, causing all of them to hit their back against the seat.

He tilted his head and stared at Anthony, "Your Grandma is coming?" He asked with widened eyes.

"Yes," He replied innocently. He didn't understand why Amos looked so astounded. Amos turned and gaze at the lady sitting by his side. Staring at her he wondered why she looked so calm after the news she heard.