Chris Reminded Him About The Deadline

"Am I gonna go to class nude like this?" She squatted. She was lost at what to do.

"I asked Josephina to purchase the exact dress as yesterday and all the necessities you will need. I don't know why they aren't here yet," Kayden muttered and got out of bed.

He proceeded to where she was squatting and joined her there.

"What do you think if I ask Kyle to lend us some ladies' outfits? I am sure he must have a lot of…," Her murderous glares made him pause in the middle of his sentence.

"I swear I will…," the knock at the door made Joanna pause. She glared at the door, ready to murder whosoever the intruder was.

"It's Josephina and Chris…,"

"Then what are you waiting for," She shouted and hastened to the door. 

"Are you sure you want them to come in and see you like that?" Kayden reminded the lady who he was certain had forgotten that she was nude.

"Fuck," She cursed and raced toward the bathroom.