The Paranoid Joanna

"I was well aware that you would surely prepare breakfast before sending your little man to school today. I wanted to call you to inform you about this but I didn't want to disturb your sweet moments and that was why I called Josephina instead," Amos explained.

Josephina remained quiet all this while he explained himself.

The King never told her what happened and why he needed the groceries but just gave her the list of groceries to bring and as such, she didn't know the entire story.

"She would have had the groceries delivered last night but the gates were closed at the time I called her and that is why she could only deliver it this morning...,"

"You could have let me handle it instead of risking arousing suspicions...,"

"None saw me when I left so you don't have to worry Miss Joanna. I am always cautious when it comes to performing my duties," Josephina cut in after she discovered what Joanna's worries were.