Mr Martinez Changed His Plans

Sniper tried to walk towards Tiffany but Mr Martinez grabbed his hand and shook his head negatively.

"As I was saying...," Tiffany paused. She paid no attention to her friends whose questioning stares were on her.

Has she gone nuts?

Where the hell did she buy such guts from?

Does she have a death wish?

She knew without any doubt that these were the questions running through her astounded friends' minds.

"Because of this incident you could no longer tolerate the King despite his position... tell me how could someone like you let him live if truly the King was living outside the palace, away from the protection of the royal guards...,"

"What nonsense are you talking about...,"

"There is no need to try and shut me up because Grandpa knows that I am stating the truth," Tiffany cut in, her shoulders held high.