The Highlight Of Carnival

"W-w-what..." Joanna stammered. For a second there she forgot that she had the microphone positioned in front of her mouth.

Joanna's eyes fluttered repeatedly as she stared at the face of the man in his red royal regalia whose gaze was glued on her.

[No wonder Bacon came to me when he was supposed to watch over him... he followed him here]

Joanna was in deep thought as she stared at his handsome face. She forgot that she was on stage and they were people behind waiting to be called to perform.

Those waiting backstage got worried when they didn't hear Joanna's voice. Raymond was forced to peep after the time to be called on stage passed and Joanna still didn't say anything.

"She seems to be in a daze. What are we going to do now?" Derrick whispered.

"It's normal to freeze on your first time climbing a big stage like this one, so let's give her some more time," Raymond addressed the anxious people who were currently waiting for Joanna's signal.