She Seeks For Help

"What else, if not that I'm leaving for Kingdom Twipera right this minute?" Joanna snapped, spinning on her heels as she made her way to the wardrobe.

"You want to leave now?" Audrey asked, disbelief lacing her voice. She strolled to the wardrobe where Joanna stood trying to pick an outfit.

"Due to your title, you and I both know you can't leave the pack on a whim. Even if you have to leave, there has to be a valid reason for it or else..."

"And what reason could be more valid than this?" Joanna shot back, tossing the red dress she had pulled from her wardrobe onto the bed.

"The message clearly states that Kay is their target. For them to target the king shows they are confident about winning. Knowing what Kay means to me, did you honestly think I did stay here even a minute longer?"