Chapter 29

But of course, to my utmost terror, the horrors that lion had in mind for us did not end there, especially for me and my mother.

"I just thought, 'Alinda', that since you seemed to like that 'pet' so much, that maybe some of my very, very persuasive friends can help you change your mind, they are very… convincing after all." He says, a smug look on his face that makes me want to punch him, especially when he licks his black lips and looks mother down, already anticipating the disgusting plans he has for her I bet.

That makes me shudder in anger.

"Heavenclaw, are you crazy?! To lower yourself to this level, you are more despicable than I thought!" Mother says, but her strong façade and glimmering eyes are pushed back down by the force of the lowly demons surrounding her.