Chapter 41

After being betrayed, even if by someone I did not trust, still one would that I had grown some sense on myself, but not only it is a little bit too late to worry about such things, and not like I had a choice anyway, but still I can at least keep my guard up and be ready to react if needed, so I start paying attention to him and my surroundings, on how he would stay away for hours sometimes, going out at night even, bringing food at times, others only going out, but as weird as I think it as I do not question it, after all I cannot expect him to simply be there all the time, a call away, and I'm sure he has his own matters to attend to too.

Only that that strange feeling is fueled when I try to ask him about himself, finally taking an interest in the figure who has my life on his hands, only for him to chuckle and wave away, saying:

"Name? My name? Why it matters? Is just a word, silly thing, a beauty like yourself can call me anything."