Chapter 51

To my surprise, no matter how tired I was, I somehow end up waking up in the middle of the night, probably too alert in a strange place to fall into a deep sleep. With a foggy mind and a body embraced by the warmth of the sheets I see no reason as to why move out and not try to go back to sleep, figuring it must have been that I'm just not used to this environment, and perhaps my body had been on alert even while asleep, but as soon as I close my eyes again I hear just what had woken me up, a solid knock on the door, soon followed by a familiar voice.

"Young mister, may I have a word with you?" I grunt in my half awaken state as I recognize the cultivator's voice, and as tempted as I am to simply ignore him, part of me is curious enough to make me sigh and sit up.

"A moment please."

"Of course, sorry to disturb."