As I fly I cannot help but be entranced by the glint of the silver bracelet and the way the light hits the azure sapphire, making it appear to have a deeper tone of blue or sometimes even green, looking like something that would come out of the deepest unexplored areas of the sea, almost as if holding part of the essence of the ocean in itself.
What an odd beautiful trickery… and yet as I let its curves roll around in my mind I cannot help but feel there is more to this than it appears to be.
I'm still wondering about it once my feet reach the open balcony of our inn, but the lack of sounds and light soon tells me that Ethan is still out and about before I can even have a small panic attack about how to react after… well, after all of that, how to be tactical about this.
Well, maybe pushing Ethan against the wall and telling him I'll date him but I'm still mad at him for lying and biting me while stealing a kiss doesn't sound like a bad idea after all.