I pace, restless, trying to go around and free my line of sight again, but Ethan is stubborn and keeps getting in the way, to the point where I only notice something is akin when suddenly the warriors open a path for the tiger griffin to pass and he is already standing right behind Ethan, big blue eye looking at me, full of emotion.
"Seraph, is that, is that really you…? No, is not possible, you should be far away from here and yet… those eyes, how could I not tell? You have your mother's eyes."
"Do not dare talk about her, you have no right anymore." I'm just so fed up with him, of how he chose to be here instead of with his family, how he wasn't there when mother needed him the most, on how he easily gave up on us, on how everything would have been different if he had been there for us. "You have no right, you hear me?"