"Lewis, I will need a favor from you, take mother with you and get her as far as possible from here." I say, already dreading to part so fast when we finally come back together after all these years, so much to talk about and share, but I supposed it would be too much to ask that things go as planned and, even more, that my mother would go away peacefully and let everything in our hands.
"Oh no you don't, you are not getting me out of this Seraph." Using my name shows just how much mother is serious and dead on about it.
"Mother, this is hardly the time for-"
"Oh no no no, I'm going to put my tail between my legs and run away, if I leave now that coward lion will flee and I won't be able to find him again for a long time, if at all, and I'm not feeling like tracking down a prey that is already in my reach."
She has a point, but still…