Chapter 184

My mother reaches us at that same moment, not long after father yet long enough for bad things to happen, and taking in the battle, the place and the state Camillo is at all at once she shrieks in anger and despair, quickly glancing at the lion's corpse and having no time to ponder, attacking the Demon Lord as the clear perpetuator of all this mess.

I do not even try to stop her, kwnowing full well how futile it would be in the first place, and we could use her help too since I do not want to drag this fight any longer nor put they in danger for long so I use her distraction in my favor as her claws have the Demon Lord full attention, moving up on my owl body and quickly reaching the chains that held the creatures head in place, and with a quick glance at it big intelligent eyes I risk it all in a swift attack, freezing the base of the chain and making it fragile enough to be broken by my descending talons.