Zombie Commander(3)

Quest Window

2 - Defeat a Zombie Commander

Target: Zombie Commander

Reward: A zombie weapon

The mission was not completed because the Zombie Commander was still alive.

Its chest was pierced by a branch, but as it is already a zombie, nothing happened.

"Looks like I have to cut off that thing's head…" Liu Yang only had one hand to use, the other one was bandaged until he could leave the place and heal.

During the rest time, his gaze was fixed on the Zombie Commander to see if it would fall or not, but it didn't.

As a pierced zombie, it wasn't going to be released like the man from before. So it would stay a few feet tall forever.

An hour later…

Liu Yang regained his energy, but his hand was still severed.

Only healing magic or powerful potions can heal him.

Things he doesn't have.

The Zombie Commander was four meters tall, but there was no way he could jump that high.

"Wind Blade"

zzzzzz… zzzzzzzz…

The wind gathered until it formed a transparent blade in the air.



The spear intercepted the magic.

Only the chest was impaled, and the hands and feet can still be used.

Thus, the Zombie Commander can defend against attacks.

"This just got more complicated… Wind Blade" Walking up to stand behind the Zombie Commander, he made the same attack.

zzzzz… zzzzzz…



The arm-twisted incredibly and insanely so that the spear could hit the magic again.

The scene was a fully twisted arm in a strange direction.

A person couldn't do that because it was like breaking bones and dislocating the arm.

A zombie doesn't feel pain, so it was easy for it to do that.

"Is this serious??!!" The discoveries about the Zombie Commander's abilities startle Liu Yang.

Whenever he thought of a plan, the Zombie Commander had some kind of countermeasure.

"Wind Blade. Energy Arrow" He used two spells at the same time.

clang!!!!!! boom!!!!

The spear only managed to stop one of the spells, the other hit the helmet.

The explosion sent the helmet flying, revealing the rotting head.

"Energy Arrow. Blade of Wind" He made the same move.

As before, the spear blocked the first spell, but when the second was about to decapitate the head, the helmet flew at great speed and blocked it.

"As I thought… It looks like I have to use three or more skills for this to work…" Liu Yang concluded.

Resting for another hour, he returned to the zombie again.

"Water Sphere. Energy Arrow."

"Wind Blade. Wind Blade. Wind Blade" The first two spells fly towards the targets, the third was after a second.

The spear blocked the water sphere as the arrow hit the helmet, which was sent flying after the explosion.

The two wind blades fly like guillotines to cut the head off.


The movement of the Zombie Commander's arms became too fast and blocked the first wind blade, the helmet managed to block the second wind blade. But when the third approached, there was nothing to stop the head from being cut off.

Unfortunately, something surprising happened, the other hand was raised to block the third wind blade.

Liu Yang was already prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

The fourth blade of wind flew out and severed the Zombie Commander's head. Soon after, two more blades of wind cut the head that flew away.

The body finally stopped moving.

clang!!!! poff!!!

The spear fell to the ground along with the body.

The tree did nothing after the Zombie Commander's defeat.

ding… ding…

"You have completed the quest."

Liu Yang felt his body getting stronger, which was surprising because there was no such reward written in the quest.

"Choose your reward"

"Sword - Dagger - Bow - Ax - Spear - Club"

"Sword" Liu Yang was a sword user, so this weapon was chosen.

A light flashed in front of him before an ordinary sword appeared.

It looked like any other, but in several places, it could see rust on the blade.

Zombie Slayer Sword(Only the owner can use the effect)(Owner: Liu Yang)

Effect: When used in the Zombie World, the weapon's power is multiplied by five times.

(A sword with effect!!!!!!) He mentally screamed.

Weapons with special effects were rare because forging one required a lot of materials and it wasn't always a good or strong effect. Most of the time, the weapon wouldn't even have any effect.

Only the greatest blacksmiths have a high probability that the weapon can have a special effect, but it's not always good.

Thus, many Hunter guilds and groups linked to the government always try to collect materials to forge the best weapons with the best effects.

The effect of Liu Yang's weapon was the best there could be to deal with the zombies, but outside of the Zombie World, the sword was just a rusty piece of trash.

The broken windows were revealed as the branches and leaves recede, revealing the outside.

Liu Yang will finally be able to leave the place.