Flooded city

The government and the China Hunters Association issued an alert for Hunters above level 35.

Everyone had to be on alert for an eventual invasion of sea creatures.

The Thunder-Destroyer Eel hid in some building within the city after the meal, but that was just the beginning.

After a few hours, the creature surfaced to look at the great walls of steel and concrete that keep seawater from invading cities.

A haughty look came into its eyes before all the electricity in its body converged on the three trident-shaped horns on top of the head.


The Hunters scream in terror and despair before fleeing the scene because they know the attack would not be weak.

The pressure felt by a large amount of energy being channeled into the horns was something to fear.



A large blue bolt shot towards the wall, causing a gigantic explosion.

The wall was protected by a very powerful energy barrier, but that was not enough to withstand the power of the blue ray.

It was not just the barrier that was destroyed, but also the wall at the back.

The hole was so big that water started to flood the city and along with it were the carnivorous sea creatures that didn't want to be near the Thunder-Destroyer Eel because it was a much more dangerous and powerful predator.

Hunters use the spells to create a new stone wall and barrier as quickly as possible to prevent more water from flooding the city, but it was impossible.


The Thunder-Destroyer Eel continued attacking the wall until it opened a much larger hole.


The fierce roar was like a declaration of war for the humans in the city.

A frightening scene was seen after the roar.

Several thousand sea creatures rise to the surface from the roar of before. It was not just a declaration of war, but also a call to the weakest creatures to heed its command.

This scene was seen through the cameras on the drones.

The government, association, and guild members were feeling a great crisis. They understood that only the best can handle this creature.

The biggest problem was breathing in the water, none of them can stay long.

As long as the fight was on the surface and they managed to get the Thunder-Destroyer Eel out of the water, they had a better chance of winning.

Quickly, meetings were held with great urgency to deal with the matter.

While the stone walls and barriers were ineffective, more water flooded the city and sea creatures came in to wreak havoc.

The population was being evacuated through the special magic-protected underground tunnels that were built after the previous flood.

Liu Yang lived a long way from Dongguan, so there was no flooding in the area.

All the news channels all over the world were showing images of Dongguan's plight.

The water rose to half of the houses, everything seemed flooded.

Hunters and sea creatures fight to the death on top of houses and in the water.

The Thunder-Destroyer Eel hid somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, but the weaker sea creatures had no choice but to continue their invasion of the city.

zzzzzz… zzzzzz… zzzzzz…

His cell phone vibrated several dozen times.

Looking at the messages, he understood what it was.

Katharin and Xinyue told him to be careful and come back alive, they didn't say anything else as there was no need to say more.

The other messages were from the government and the China Hunters Association.

"..." With no alternative, he accepted the job.

The bracelet and the space ring were being worn because it was a gift from the two women.

Liu Yang's arrival at the building where the emergency meeting was being held drew a lot of disdainful looks from the other Hunters because he was the only level 0 in the place.

His participation in the fight would be like a baby trying to fight an adult. It was useless.

No one dared speak too loudly about it because Liu Yang had been called by a general and some important members of the government and the association. But it was not possible to know why.

Only those who know the secret about people with the ability to see the future know why he was called.

Qiu Liuxian was not just the only person with this ability. In China, there were a few more, but they were all hidden and protected.

Each of them revealed a different future when they used the skill.

The meeting was just to discuss what would be done to contain the flood and the invasion of sea creatures.

The main topic was how to deal with the Thunder-Destroyer Eel.