Two Choices

"Sister Katharin, something very bad has happened!!!!!" Xinyue screamed desperately during the video call.

From her anxious expression, it was possible to see that something very bad had happened.

"Something happened to Liu Yang??!!!" Katharin didn't need to think too hard about the reason for the call.

Xinyue only made emergency calls when the reason was Liu Yang.

"Yes." She couldn't even speak properly because of the anxiety.

"Is it an invasion on the island?"

"Yes. The mission to invade Penghu did not go as expected. Many soldiers and Hunters were killed, but Liu Yang… He…"

"What happened to him? He's not dead, right? The bracelet I gave him is still showing his vitals." Katharin monitored Liu Yang's health from the things she gave him, so she thought everything was normal.

There was no change in the data shown.

"Liu Yang, he's not dead, but he made a big mistake."

"What did he do?"

"He jumped into the creature's mouth and was swallowed"

"..." Katharin was in shock.

Liu Yang's action was considered insane and suicidal.

"Sister?" Xinyue waved her hand as if trying to see if the other side was awake or not.

But the shock was so great that she was paralyzed.

"WHY DID HE DO IT???!!!!" She screamed after recovering from the shock.

"I don't know. The squad captain told me that he wanted to stay there to buy time so the others could escape, but jumping into the creature's mouth was something beyond expectation."

The captain knew a thing or two about Liu Yang's life, so he called her to report what had happened.

"He has a plan, right? A normal person wouldn't jump into the creature's mouth without having something in mind. Also, he is alive and without any kind of change in his body. The sensors show that."

"I think so. Liu Yang is not the type of person who acts on impulse, he must have a reason to enter the creature, but we will only find out after asking him."

"..." The two women didn't know what to do about it, just waiting was the best thing to do.

But the thought of how Liu Yang was making them feel apprehensive and anxious.

Inside the stomach of the Three-Headed Blue Poison Serpent…

Liu Yang held a crystal of light to illuminate the long path that led to some unknown location.

The inside of its stomach was pink with many drops of blood oozing out and falling all over the place. Many corpses of people and creatures, which were not digested yet, and skeletons were scattered in various corners.

A slimy liquid oozed across the floor and walls corroded his clothes and skin, but the flesh was still strong enough to resist.

splash!!! splash!!!!



The sword was swung to twice slash targets that attacked suddenly.

Two snake-sized worms leap out of the gooey liquid to attack Liu Yang, but they were cut with ease.

slash!! slash!!!!

More and more worms attacked, but they were all cut off.

"I need to find a way out of here… This stomach fluid stinks will corrode my body…" Walking randomly through its stomach, he only found the worms and the skeletons.

There was nothing else in the place.

After an hour of walking…

"huh?? What is that???" Liu Yang arrived at a chamber-like location, but inside the stomach of the Three-Headed Blue Poison Serpent.

The place was dry and cool, very different from all other places.

There was no blood, corrosive liquid, or anything else. Just something like an egg wrapped in pink skin.

The inside had something pulsing like a heart.

Liu Yang walked closer to look, but a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Inside the supposed egg was a small, palm-sized creature floating in a clear liquid.

A blue snake, but it only had one head. And the look was a little cute.

"Is this the hatchling of the Three-Headed Blue Poison Serpent?"

ding… ding…

Special mission

1- Choose a path

Path 1: Destroy the egg of the Three-Headed Blue Poison Serpent

Reward: The quest, Defeat the Three-Headed Blue Poison Serpent, will be completed. Passive Skill: Immunity to Snake Poison.

Path 2: Feed the egg enough nutrients to hatch

Reward: Special Pet Inventory

The system rang when it arrived at the scene.

A new quest was revealed, but it was a little different from the previous ones.

Liu Yang had two choices to make, but he already knew which choice would be made.

A few bottles of liquid were poured into the egg.

A faint sheen covered the egg before absorbing the liquid.

The liquid was some of the healing potions he had.

There was nothing more nourishing than that.

Liu Yang did this several times until his bag was empty and there was no healing potion left.

Three days later…

The liquid was fully refined and absorbed by the little snake inside the egg.

The two small glowing eyes looked at Liu Yang curiously. It was like a little baby that was just born, but it didn't come out of the egg.

"..." Using the fingers to point to the sides, the little snake followed with its head.

"Is this thing going to become my pet?"

crack!! crack!!!

The pink skin began to tear and the liquid inside leaked out until it was completely broken.


A strong wind blew in a certain direction.

Liu Yang and the little snake flew together.