Pirate Ship

"Where am I?" Liu Yang looked around, but the only thing he could see was the blue sea and some sea creatures swimming on the surface.

The current location where he was was a small island of ten square meters with a coconut tree in the middle, there was nothing else besides that.

It was like he was in some cartoon, where some character was on some small island lost in the middle of the sea.

The water engine had run out of power and he had to swim until he found the only spot that appeared.

So he had been on the little island for about two days.

No ships or planes approached so he could send a signal for help. There was no internet or cell signal in this remote area.

"This island must be something that is not on the map… My situation has gotten much worse than before…" Liu Yang has tried in every possible way to get a little signal to send a message, but to no avail.

The compass marked a specific direction, so he was able to roughly calculate where he was.

Using the water engine speed, estimated usage time, swimming time, and speed was enough, but he had only a vague idea, not the exact distance.

The little snake kept him company during his time on the island.

With nothing to do, he would dive into the sea to hunt and gather some useful things for survival.

Fortunately, the water engine had a battery that was recharged with solar energy, so it was only necessary to leave it in the sunlight for several days to fully charge.

A few days later…

hiss… hiss…

The little snake licked Liu Yang's face to wake him up because it was something urgent.

"Number One, what happened?" This was the name given to the snake, as it was the first pet he had.

Looking at the horizon it was possible to see a medium-sized ship sailing, but they couldn't see Liu Yang because of the distance, he was like an ant.

With no alternatives, the palm fronds were set on fire and fireballs shot upward as a flare.

In nearly an hour, the ship approached.

But it was what Liu Yang had hoped for.

The ship was not for merchants.

On the side was the symbol of a flag of crossed swords behind a skull with an eyepatch. It was a pirate ship.

Onboard it was possible to see a small group of fifty people looking at the small island with leering and cold eyes.

Some of those eyes were glowing as if they wanted to see right through Liu Yang, but it was strange because nothing was seen.

So, they thought he was just a level 0 person because the only people who can't have the information revealed were level 0 people or someone with very powerful protective gear.

Liu Yang just looked like a person lost in the middle of the sea.

"Hello…" Liu Yang tried to speak in English as it was still the language most people in the world could speak.

Looking at the name of the ship, a certain pirate guild popped into his mind.

Fortunately, he was still in disguise and no one would be able to recognize him.

"Who are you?" Someone asked.

"I'm lost, could you tell me where I am?"

"HAHAHAHA!!!!!" The crew laughs at him like it's the dumbest thing to say.

Everyone can see this without the need to speak.

"Climb here. We will lead you to a better place." One of them spoke with an amused tone as if he was saying something amusing.

"HAHAHA!!!! That's right. You can go upstairs, we'll help you" Others joke.

"I thank you for that." Liu Yang accepted the offer to board the ship.

On deck was a group of naked men and women chained and with various wounds on their bodies. They were forced to work, but many of them were raped. Not only women but also men.

There was no law in these areas of the sea, so anything could happen.

Pirates wore only pants or shorts while the upper part of the waist was bare to show off their bodies. But the women only wore a thin bikinis that showed almost every private part.

"Did you like our ship?" A tall muscular man with a naked body looked slyly at Liu Yang, his little friend was already hard as if he wanted him.

The others just laughed at this scene because they already knew what was going to happen next.

"Yes. I liked it. It's an unusual thing to see." Liu Yang pretended not to know anything, but he was already prepared to kill all the pirates on the ship.

"So would you like to come with me to see the rest of the ship? I guarantee you'll be impressed and might even scream in surprise." The burly man spoke in a friendly tone, but it sounded a little odd from the way he spoke.

"But before I go with you, can I comment?" Liu Yang changed his tone.

"Yes. You may." The sudden change surprised everyone because they didn't understand why he had done this.

"You can just die." As he said these words, his body disappeared like a shadow moving in the darkness.

slash!!!! slash!!! slash!!!!