Yamada Kimi


Japan Hunter Association's Monitoring Building…

When Liu Yang and the rest of the group approached the island, they activated the alarms that were installed on the island to monitor the portals that were on nearby islands and under the sea.

Any type of creature that has not yet been registered by the drones and cameras would trigger the alarm.

The building was on alert because they thought it was a new creature, but the images shown by the cameras were something else.

"Is there any data from these people in the association's database?!!!" An old man with gray hair asked solemnly as he looked at the screen.

"Yes. But it's just that young woman over there. She is Yamada Kimi, the missing daughter of Doctor Yamada Matsuo. The others are all unknown, they're not even in the International Hunter Association's database." Someone did a little research before commenting, but the shock could be felt in their voice.

A Hunter that was not registered in the association was a very rare thing to happen, as there should be at least some information about that person, which was the awakened skill, photo, name, and other basic things.

Whenever a child awakens a skill, the country's Hunters Association records it, so it was insane not to have information from people over five in the database.

"The daughter of the creator of the Hunter Rider prototype? Is she still alive?!!! Since Doctor Yamada's death, the government and Japan Hunter Association have tried to locate her, but to no avail. From their clothes, the location this group was on must be some desert island far away from here. They used that water engine to get to the island."

"Boss, should we inform the others that we've located her?"

"Yes. Do it" He ordered.

(She has important information about the Hunter Rider Project, which was never discovered after Doctor Yamada was murdered. Rumor has it that she knows the unknown whereabouts of the prototype built by Doctor Yamada, we need to find that prototype. If the Japanese government finds this item, our Riders will receive a new power boost and we will be stronger than the golden generals and zodiac knights) The old man was remembering the things he knew about this matter, but he never imagined that he would see Yamada Kimi in a place like this.

The information about this has not been released to the world, so it was necessary to be cautious about saying this publicly to avoid leaks to other countries.

His fists were clenched tightly because they had to catch the girl first before the others.

The prototype was something that would revolutionize a part of Japan's tech area, but for some reason, the creator of the technology was murdered and the created item was never found, so everyone focused on the creator's daughter, but she disappeared within hours.

In a few moments, the government, the association, and the big shots that control Japan knew about the location of Yamada Kimi.

In the next few minutes, they sent large groups to invade the island in an attempt to get the young woman to them. She had very important information, so everyone wanted to kidnap her for themselves.

Unfortunately, it wasn't just Japan that had an interest in the young woman, many other countries as well.

The so-called Riders of Japan were widely known in the world as a group of extremely powerful Hunters, but they didn't just use magic and the power of collected items to forge equipment. They use advanced technology to mix the two and create a new type of item.

So many countries try to find out this information to build Riders themselves, but it was difficult.

So the chance to get information about the top-secret government project called the Hunter Rider was something that drew a lot of eyes. The effects of which were to increase the current Riders' powers by thirty percent, which was pretty insane.

Within minutes, foreign Hunters from various powerful countries are stealthily sent to the tiny island of Okinawa Prefecture.

Guilds in Japan and around the world told their members that the person on the island was someone very important who needed to be rescued in complete safety.

This was to keep them from knowing about her, only trusted high-ranking members knew about the true mission.

Liu Yang and the young woman were talking somewhere in the inner part of the island. They killed their way to the place before resting.

A camp was set up and the children were already sleeping due to the fatigue of the trip.

"Miss Yamada, what were you doing on that ship? Does your disappearance have anything to do with that?" Liu Yang knew who the young woman was the instant he looked at her.

Among the most wanted missing persons in the world, Yamada Kimi was those people, but her information was secret and was never released, she was like a secret missing person that only a small group of people searched for.

Liu Yang knew about this because he learned a few things from Katharin about Doctor Yamada Matsuo, one of the greatest scientists today. But his information was very vague about Yamada Kimi.

Rumors have it that she has important information about a top-secret Japanese government project, so it stood to reason that she would be one of the most wanted people in the world.

However, only important people know about it because it is a very sensitive subject.

If some evil guild gets the information, they can create very powerful weapons that surpass other guilds. So it was something they wanted to avoid at all costs.

So a group of pirates like the Hidden Sea Pirates didn't know about why many countries are looking for Yamada Kimi, they only know that she is someone important and much wanted.

If the head of the Hidden Sea Pirates knew the information, he would have already taken her to the hideout to torture and try to get the information.

Unfortunately, he didn't know because the reason was highly hidden from others.