Zombie General(2)

The Zombie General turned into a very big white bone chimera.


A roar erupted from the skeletal mouth. The entire area shook as if there was a tremor.

Liu Yang covered his ears because he looked like he was going to be deaf.

troc!!! troc!!! troc!!!!


After the roar, the Zombie General charged at great speed like a centaur towards Liu Yang.

"!!!!!!!" He acted quickly and rolled to the sides as fast as possible.


The sharp nails rip through the ground as if it was paper. Five deep finger marks were scored.

If Liu Yang was hit by that, he wouldn't even know how hurt he would be.





The tail with the snake bones was like a very sharp whip.

When rolling, the Zombie General attacks using its tail.

The sensation of the arm being sawed off is felt.

The thin bones on the side along with the spine tear through the arm.

"That's…" In the area of ​​the wound, black liquid oozed out.

That was snake venom, as his body was immune to the effects of snake venom, any such venom would be expelled from his body.

"This passive skill is really useful…" Liu Yang didn't even have time to be gleeful as the Zombie General stomped the ground hard in an attempt to crush him.

One more roll was given to the side.

"Not this time!!!!"

The arm bracelet glowed and a barrier was formed.


The barrier was blown upon impact.

The power of the tail was too great for the barrier to handle.

"Looks like I'll have to fight seriously too." Liu Yang stared at the Zombie General in an attempt to see his information.

But only the level was seen, no other information was seen.

Level: 150

The skill only allowed him to see the target's level, so he could only see the level so he could think of a strategy.

A creature was different from a Hunter.

Hunters chose where to put points at each level to get stronger. Creatures didn't have that, creature attributes were standard.

Liu Yang couldn't get information about the Zombie General's status, so he could only make an estimate based on a comparison to other creatures as powerful as the Zombie General.

Unfortunately, he didn't even have that information.

Thus, Liu Yang had to fight using his energies until the end to find out.

The Zombie Slayer Sword was held very tightly.

trum!!! trum!!!! trum!!

The Zombie General charged toward him again to attack with two sharp claws.

"..." Staring at the large creature in front of him, he took a deep breath before slashing toward the sharp claws.

SLASH!!!!! CLANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To Liu Yang's surprise, the sword cut through both sharp claws without any problem.

The weapon's power increased according to Liu Yang's power, so it was no surprise that he managed to cut through the creature's claws.

His current power was difficult to estimate because of the lack of information, he could only do one kind of special test to know, which was in the gravity rooms.

The Zombie General was very annoyed at having its claws cut, the roars fiercely seeming to be some sort of incantation.

The fallen bones float before merging again in the cut area, but instead of being the claws, two sharp blades have taken their place.

There were no sharp nails left, but two sharp blades on each arm.

slash!!!! slash!!!! slash!!!!!

The two arms move at great speed to form wind blades that attack Liu Yang.

Unlike his skill, the wind blades created by the Zombie General were white and larger.

Wherever he passed, a cutting line was seen.

"Wind Blade!!! Wind Blade!!! Wind Blade!!!"


trum!!! trum!!! trum!!!!

The Zombie General leaped forward like a horse jumping over an obstacle, but the two blades came down like guillotines ready to slash Liu Yang.

"AHHH!!!!!" All strength was used to slash upwards with the sword.

CLANG!!!! CLANG!!!!!


Liu Yang had a disadvantage.

The ground around him cracked and sank.

The power used by the Zombie General was very great, but he still had ways to defend himself.




Liu Yang was sent flying when he was hit by the snake-like tail.

The speed was much greater than that of the arms.

In the chest area, it was possible to see marks of a snakebite.

The dark-colored venom oozed out.

"This thing is harder to deal with than I thought. If the guilds and association had released the information, I wouldn't have tried to fight that damn general" Liu Yang internally cursed about how petty the two groups were.

The two withheld important information about the Zombie Generals and the Zombie Kings so that Hunters with common funds could try their luck.

So they always died when they fought.

Liu Yang was still alive because he was stronger than an ordinary Hunter.

"I need to find the weak point of this thing, otherwise, I'll be in a lot of trouble"