Zombie General(4)

The mechanical voice echoed again.

The speed of the music became faster and more intense.

It was like a background sound for the transformation.

"ARGGG!!!" Liu Yang kept feeling his body burning intensely, he couldn't even bear the pain, even though his body was strong.

zzzzzzzz… zzzzzzzz… zzzzzzzzzz…

The sound of gears sounds through the belt before some foreign material like metal or black and purple plastic emerges from there to spread through Liu Yang's body like armor.


The material covered his entire body before exploding a light show and revealing the shape of the Hunter Drive.

The appearance was really like a Japanese Rider, but with some differences that none of them had.

The armor color was black and purple. In the chest area, there was the symbol of a spider, on the back were six sharp spears as if they were the legs of a spider. The gloves and boots had sharp blades on the sides. The belt became the head of a spider in two colors, black and purple.

"This is really amazing. So this is how the Japanese feel when they use the Rider system… The power is insane." Liu Yang was very shocked by the power he was feeling.

It was as if he had taken some very powerful tonic and regained all his energy and more.

Strength, agility, vitality, and intelligence. The four attributes have been drastically increased.

ding… ding…

The Hunter's power is too low. Transformation duration is five minutes" The mechanical voice came out of the belt.

"Looks like there's a way to increase the Hunter Drive's power… Is that why it's the Rider that will outlast all others? That Doctor Yamada is really someone capable." A little dismay rose in his heart because he could only experience this power for just five minutes, but it should be enough to attack the ZombieGeneral.


Liu Yang was lost in his thoughts aloud, but the loud sounds of the small undead army woke him up.

"Now is the time to test this power" The Zombie Slayer Sword was clasped tightly in his hands.



"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Liu Yang felt his body fly like a rocket.

Controlling the new power was difficult, but not much.

Just one step was enough to travel almost thirty meters.


A cut was given when he was in the crowd of skeletons and zombies.

poff!!!! poff!!!!

More than a hundred were decapitated.

The sword's power also increased along with Liu Yang's power.

This was too insane.

"Now, let's see if I can cut you.'' He spoke coldly before charging as he swung his sword around.

The skeletons and zombies collapsed to the ground like a crowd swooning at the same time.

Just two steps were enough to get to the ZombieGeneral's leg

"Can this thing climb?" He tried to move the six spears behind him with the thought.

To his surprise, they actually moved.

The Zombie General wouldn't let him do what he wanted and waved the bone staff again.

More zombies and skeletons appear, but this time, the amount was reduced, but the size and power of each were several times greater than before.

Liu Yang didn't wait for the creatures to reach him, so he jumped with all his might.

The leap was so strong that he flew more than ten meters up.

clang!!! clang!!!! clang!!!

The spears were like nails digging into the ZombieGeneral's bones.

The scene was like a spider climbing the wall.

"Now, I want to see if this head of bones it's tough enough to withstand my blow" Liu Yang gripped the sword with all his strength before cutting.


The result was much better than expected.

The skull is very hard and almost impossible to break if it was by normal methods.

Using the power of the Hunter Drive, Liu Yang slashed like he was butter using a hot knife.

crack!!!! crack!!!!

The giant body began to crack and crumble like a demolished building.

Summoned creatures also began to crumble along with the leader.

ding!!!! ding!!!

"Congratulations on completing the mission" The system's sound echoed.

Hot and very powerful energy spread through his body, strengthening every millimeter of his body.

The feeling of much greater power was felt by Liu Yang.

The boost received as a reward for the quest was different from the one received when absorbing from the dead. The energies were several times greater, there was no way to compare the two.

crack!!!! crack!!!

The barrier cracked before it was broken.

The ZombieGeneral was killed, there was no reason for the barrier anymore.

Quickly, Liu Yang used a concealment skill to disappear from the spot without leaving a trace.

In a few moments, a group of Hunters formed by members of several guilds arrived, but their looks were shocked because they wanted to know who were the people who defeated the ZombieGeneral.

The power of a Zombie General was widely known to them.

So the difficulty in defeating these things was very difficult.

So it was normal for them to be curious to know who was the person who defeated the ZombieGeneral in that area.

If they knew it was just one person, none of them would believe it.