Illusory World(1)

The interior of the pagoda was clean and there was no cold feeling like the outside.

Despite appearing to have seven floors, the interior was only one floor and looked like a largely empty hall.

There were no stairs or things on the walls above. It looked more like a tall tower than a pagoda, only the outside looked like it.

"Level Lock bearer, welcome to the Pagoda of Illusion" A mechanical voice echoed.

"..." Liu Yang didn't know what he would experience there, but he preferred to keep his guard up for any surprise attacks.

But after walking around, he saw nothing but a magic circle in the center of the pagoda.

The instant he stepped into the magic circle, a strong glow happened and he passed out with his body forward.

A distorted shadow appeared in the air, looking at Liu Yang lying unconscious, and a bright glow appeared in the two glowing holes at the eyespot.

His body was taken to the center of the magic circle.

The shadow disappeared.

Within the illusion…

"AHH!!!!!" Liu Yang screamed in fear before suddenly waking up.

He looked quite scared.

"Where am I? What is this place?" Looking around, the image of a tent appeared in his mind.

The location was a camping tent, he was sleeping in a sleeping bag.

"What am I doing here?" Trying to remember a few things, Liu Yang seemed to be a little lost.

"My name is Derky Hayes, the last thing I remember is that I walked into a place called the World Pagoda. But why are there things I can't remember? Has the pagoda blocked my memories so I can stay in this world?" Liu Yang had his memories altered after entering the Illusionary World, but the physical skills he learned still remain in his mind and body.

No matter how hard he tried, some of the memories never came and were modified.

Things like his harsh and dangerous childhood, his two dear lovers, school, Level Lock, and other things he has lived through in life.

His new memories were of the illusory world.

His name in this world was Derky Hayes, a fifteen-year-old boy who was sent by his parents for training at the Battleschool, he had been there for five years.

Currently, the country where he lived was under heavy siege by extremely cruel and bloodthirsty demonic creatures. Thus, young people were recruited to be trained and become the next Hunters, which was the name given to those who manage to level up and fight against the demonic creatures.

Opening the system, the mechanical voice echoed.

"Access Denied"

"You need to level up once to gain access to the system"

"I am still at level 0… It doesn't seem to have changed" Not knowing much about what was going on, he decided to live this life with caution because he doesn't know what could happen if he died.

As he left the tent, an incredible scene was seen before him.

Where he was a large camp with several dozen tents. His tent was in the last row.

The others were young like him. Each of them looked fifteen or sixteen, but the boys were separate from the girls.

Some were still adults overseeing the camp.

"Hey!!! Derky, my good friend, you finally woke up. I thought you were going to masturbate to death because of last night." An excited voice echoed in his ear before a fat hand clapped him on the shoulder.

Looking towards the voice it was possible to see a chubby young man laughing excitedly. He wore the same clothes as Liu Yang, but they were wrinkled and disorganized.

"Fatty, I already told you that was an accident. I didn't know that teacher Mirana and teacher Erin were bathing in the river. If I had known, I wouldn't have gone there to fish." Liu Yang thought for a while and the memories of last night appeared in his mind.

In the middle of the night, he got hungry and decided to go fishing in the river near the camp, but he never imagined that there would be women bathing there.

The incident aroused envy and jealousy in the male students because the two female teachers were like goddesses in their hearts. Having the opportunity to see them naked in person was something they could only dream of.

Thus, they all criticized Liu Yang for being so lucky.

"Derky, I wish I had had that kind of accident." The fat man could already picture the scene in his mind, but it was just his imagination.

"Fatty, you should stop it and focus on your training. Today is the day that we will go out to level for the first time after so many years of training. We have to survive this training" Liu Yang knew what day it was, so he had to try his best to survive.

The chances of survival were low, but he had to try.

"Let's find the others and go together"