Illusory World(3)

The scene seen by teacher Mirana and the other students was unbelievable.

Never in their wildest dreams would there be such a thing.

The skills and grades of the person named Derky Hayes were known to every student at the Battleschool, so they knew what he was capable of.

But what was done before them was too insane. It was like he was hiding the skills the whole time.

Everyone's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and their chins dropped to the floor.

The shock was so great that it took a while for them to get back to normal.

"Can someone pinch me? I want to know if I'm dreaming or not."

"Me too. Can someone pinch me??"



"Why did you pinch so hard?!!!!!!!"

"Who did it???

The screams of pain snapped everyone back to reality, but the shock still lingered in their hearts.

The scene where Liu Yang closed his eyes and slashed the Demon Wolf lasted less than a second, but it was enough to decide the test result.

This demonstration of skill was something very surprising and shocking.

"Derky Hayes, you passed the test. Here's your grade. Go to teacher Hawk's tent to get your Battleschool graduation title. Starting today, you're free." Teacher Mirana was professional at work.

Leaving aside what happened the night before, she acted as if nothing had happened when handing over the grades.

For someone with Liu Yang's skills would be very useful on the battlefield.

So she had to hold back to cause trouble.

When he took the paper, he slipped something into her hand.

Teacher Mirana didn't understand what he did, but when she read what was written, she stamped her foot in anger and felt like hitting Liu Yang until he passed out.

The other students didn't understand why she acted this way, but they thought it was because Liu Yang had passed the test that she had made it difficult for him.

"Just wait, I'll come back and take you because of the Demon Wolf. It's a promise, so don't take a lover." That was the message.

"Next" She returned to normal after releasing her anger.

"Derky, you are amazing!!!!! Did you really defeat a Demon Wolf???!!!!" The fat man shouted happily when he saw his friend sitting in the cafeteria.

The looks of the other students towards Liu Yang completely changed after the test happened.

Even the girls who had sneers from before have changed the way they look at him.

A promising young man had a good chance of getting stronger and surviving on the battlefield. It also increased the chances of promotion to gain more fame and wealth, so it was normal for some young women to want that kind of man.

"I couldn't believe it when I heard this news. Derky, were you hiding your abilities? Why didn't you tell us?"

"Derky, you hid it really well, because I really thought you were pretty useless because of your grades."

"Was that really necessary??"

"Yea. But testing aside, what are you going to do now? Your passing the test is the same as being sent to the battlefield. If you can do a good job, your life will be improved by a thousand percent."

"My life will be better if I don't die, right? I can only enjoy it if I'm alive. The battlefield is not like a training center, where you fight just one demonic creature, there are several thousand, so coming back alive from a battle is already considered a great blessing."

"That's true. "

"Today will be our farewell, we will drink until nightfall!!!!!"

The group ate and played until dawn.

The next morning…

Liu Yang was sleeping inside an ordinary room, very different from his camping tent before.

The sun illuminating his face bothered him and he woke up.

"AH…" Yawning and stretching his arms was a common thing to do every morning.

But when one of the hands was put down, something soft was felt.

A big, soft, round thing.

"..." Squeezing a little more to know what it was.

"hmm…" A soft moan is heard from the side of the bed.

Looking to the side, Liu Yang saw a beautiful young woman with brown hair sleeping soundly. But he soon realized that she was naked, not just her, but for him too.

There were bloodstains on the sheets, so it was obvious what had happened between the two.

"!!!!!!" Liu Yang wanted to jump in fright, but he closed his eyes to concentrate and try to remember things from last night.

"Darling, did you wake up? Arg…" The young woman slowly opened her eyes after feeling the touches and movements on the bed.

In the first movement, she felt great pain in her private parts.

The night before was extremely wild and hot for the duo.