Illusory World(7)

Liu Yang was assigned to the new battleground much more dangerous and deadly than the previous one, luckily he had fifteen days to make preparations like leveling up and choosing better weapons.

When he got the promotion, some new equipment was received by the military or he could use money and ask a blacksmith to forge the equipment for him, that's what he did.

Asking to forge an item was better than buying an item already forged.

Liu Yang trained for another two weeks on the battlefield before moving to the new location. He gained a few levels and got used to using the new items.

His arrival was a little strange because he was the only sixteen-year-old in the camp.

All the others were at least eighteen years old.

His combat skills were so enviable that even some veterans wanted to kill him to avoid competition for promotion to Captain. But the rumors about Liu Yang being sent to the Infiltration Squad, calmed down them because this squad was special and outside the military hierarchy.

So there was no need to compete with Liu Yang for promotion.

The demonic creatures on this battlefield were bigger and more agile, some were even tougher, so they were much deadlier than the ones on the previous battlefield. But none of them had intelligence, so they were easier to deal with.

Liu Yang was not afraid of challenges and cut the creatures as if they were made of paper after discovering their weaknesses.

Levels up rapidly during the six months he was there.

No other soldier has managed to level as much as he has in such a short time.

It was as if he gained more experience from defeating the creatures, but that wasn't it, the truth was that he could defeat the demonic creatures more easily so the amount was much higher than any other soldier.

In six months on the battlefield, the number of levels he received was such that demonic creatures were like pieces of paper to him.

Just one cut was enough.

His performance even attracted the attention of the kingdom's rulers.

An envoy from the royal family was sent to invite Liu Yang to the kingdom's imperial capital.

Before traveling, he went to the Battleschool to settle some unfinished matters with the two teachers and then went home to see his parents, Nia, and her parents.

The imperial capital of the kingdom was a large city in the center of the kingdom.

The image that people had was of a city fortified with hard stones and metal.

About a hundred thousand people inhabited the city, but most were common people, while only one percent were so-called nobles with great wealth.

The appearance of the city was like medieval times.

The carriage traveled to the king's palace, there were already four rows waiting for him, one of the maids, one of the butlers, and two rows of soldiers dressed in steel armor while holding sharp spears. At the front was a butler dressed in brighter and more expensive clothes than all the others.

Liu Yang looked at this scene in amazement as it was the first time he had received this kind of greeting.

"Mr. Hayes, my name is Stewart, the butler. It is a great honor to welcome you to the palace. A big dinner has already been prepared for your arrival." The butler introduced himself before gesturing for him to follow.

"It's a great pleasure to meet you too. You can show the way"

The interior of the palace was luxurious and exquisite with many works of art in various locations.

Passing through the corridors, many maids and butlers were seen walking around.

In the main hall, there was a large rectangular table, forty meters long and two meters wide, but there was still no food on the table. It's like they're waiting for someone.

Only one chair was unoccupied.

Most were middle-aged people, others were younger.

"Your Majesty, I have brought the esteemed guest"

Liu Yang appeared in front of everyone.

"So this is young Derky Hayes, the genius who emerged in our kingdom."

"Very good."

There were a lot of hushed comments, but many of them were about which side Liu Yang would choose.

The more influential a person becomes, the more contact he has with other influential people.

This was common in any situation.

But in a kingdom, where there are political schemes all around, choosing the wrong side would be very catastrophic.

Liu Yang ignored the comments and just bowed before introducing himself.

"Soldier Derky Hayes appears before Your Majesty" His actions could be considered very outrageous, as he was supposed to kneel before the king, but he didn't.

This action was enough for the king and some members of the royal family to view Liu Yang coldly. Not just them, but many other nobles who supported the king.

While others had plans to invite Liu Yang to their side.

"Young Hayes, you may sit down. Everyone was just waiting for your arrival for the feast to begin." The king was no longer in a good mood after his actions.

The mood inside the hall became strange and heavy after the king's words.