I would like to make a deal

His first view of the African continent was of a gigantic island covered by a great forest of petrified trees.

According to the GPS map, this island was named Madagascar. Currently, the island is called the Island of Stone Trees, as there was just that all over the island.

The current size of the island was only a third of the original, the rest was flooded or destroyed by earthquakes and tsunamis that happened during the emergence of the mountain range that surrounds the mainland.

The heavy rain keeps falling like there's no end.

The African continent was the only place where it rained every day throughout the year.

Very different from South America, where it never rained all year, so there was a gigantic desert that completely covered the continent. But there were still artificial rains created by those who could create rains.

Liu Yang approached the island, but when the first foot was placed, he sank into the mud.

There was a hole.



The hole was blown open, revealing the leg covered in small wounds on all sides.

A swarm of small, two-inch fish-like creatures came out of the mud to attack Liu Yang's leg.

"Fire Wave!!!!"

Orange flames erupt around Liu Yang's body before exploding sideways and burning everything.

"So these are the famous Vampire Leech Fish… These things are dangerous, luckily, they only attack those who enter the water. I need to walk on water so I don't step into any holes again, but I need to rest a little before continuing the journey to the center of the mainland…" Liu Yang had already been running on the water for a long time, so he was tired.

Not because of the rush, but because of the continuous use of the active skill.

Looking to the sides, some petrified trees were seen.

Before getting close, he threw stones and poked with his sword to see if it was a living creature or not.

The petrified tree showed no reaction, nor was there any evidence of dead bodies or personal effects near the trees, so it seemed safe to rest on top of the tree.

The petrified trees looked like ordinary trees, but they were hard as stone.

Liu Yang rested for a few hours before continuing his journey toward the center of the continent.

While the world was preparing for the new invasions through the portals, something else was happening somewhere in Japan.


The current appearance of the city was technological and very advanced.

People travel using flying vehicles or even soar through the city skies. Some even use tamed creatures to travel.

On top of the ten tallest buildings was a pointed spear made of some kind of crystal. Looking from the sky it was possible to see that the position of each building was strategic to form a big magic circle.

A protective barrier made of concrete and magic protects the city from the invasion of the sea.

In a fenced area of ​​the city, there was a small abandoned mansion, but outside there were still guards patrolling.

On the entrance portal was a metal plate with black letters drawn on it, YAMADA.

Looking inside the mansion it was possible to see a young girl walking slowly while being followed by some children.

The young woman was Yamada Kimi. She returned to Japan after fleeing the island.

The mansion belongs to her family. But it was abandoned after the death of her father and her disappearance.

None of the family members dared to take the mansion because they were forbidden to do so.

Yamada Kimi walked through the mansion until she reached the basement.

The place was dark and covered in dust.

When the light is turned on, many types of electronic gadgets are shown on many shelves.

In some corner there was a shelf containing some items, Yamada Kimi squeezed some of them in a certain order.

A secret passage has been opened on the floor.

"..." She took a deep breath before heading down the stairs.

After passing through a long corridor, a bright room with many computers and research devices was revealed.

"Miss Yamada, you're finally back. Could that be a cause for celebration?" A sarcastic voice echoed in the lab.

The screens change to the same image.

The face of a young man of approximately twenty-seven or twenty-eight years was shown. He was young and handsome, but he looked rather vicious and sinister because of his smile.

"Fujita Daisuke…" She muttered his name, but it contained great hatred.

"Miss Yamada, you make me sad by showing that ugly face. I thought you would show a beautiful smile when you see me, just like you showed your dead father."

"What do you want? You didn't just come to talk, right?" Her eyes narrowed when she talked about it.

The goals of the other side were something she knew all too well.

Despite being only sixteen years old, she learned many things during the time she was being held captive inside the pirate ship.

"Miss Yamada, you offend me by speaking like that. But you're right, I'm not just here to talk. I'm here to make a deal with you"