Orc World(2)

Liu Yang ran as fast as a blur towards the portal under the gaze of the Hunters, but as he approached the city, he disappeared into the darkness.

Only those with magical equipment or abilities to see through concealment could know what was going on.

Liu Yang needed to use concealment skills to keep running.

There were several tens of thousands of orcs there, entering their territory alone was like asking to die.

So he could only hide and run.

The orcs didn't seem to see him during the run, but tiredness came very quickly.

The amount of energy spent to run and keep the skill active was too high.

Fortunately, the orcs didn't enter the houses they built, they just walked around like zombies. None of them had slept once since they left the portal.

Liu Yang found a small hut to rest in, but he had to enter through the chimney as he couldn't open the door without alerting the orcs.

The interior of the house was empty because no one lived there. It was as if it had been built but never used.

Or rather, that's what Liu Yang thought.

Exploring the house, he saw that on the second floor some things didn't come from the house like burnt wood and leftover food.

"Looks like some scouts also had this same idea..." He muttered.

Closing his eyes to rest, it only lasted a few minutes before he felt several hundred gazes in his direction.

"They've arrived…"

It wasn't necessary to think too much about who the Hunters were looking toward the log cabin.

Liu Yang was a Hunter much sought after for the big shots. It was so much that he was treated like a fugitive.

Both eyes were opened again before doing some stretches.



Outside, spells and abilities bombard the log cabin like rain.

Liu Yang might be a level 0 Hunter, but he was brave enough to go all the way to Australia, Antarctica, and the African continent.

There was only one possibility for that, he was strong enough to travel to these places and come out alive.

However, the dangers of the African continent would be considered pieces of cake compared to Australia and Antarctica. Since no one dared to live in these two places, this was one of the most important factors in calculating the danger of a place.

If no one dares to live there, it means that the dangers are too high for anyone.

Since Liu Yang had survived nearly two years on these two continents, he had to be strong enough. So bombing the log cabin was a normal thing to do.

Also, their objective was to corner Liu Yang using the orc army.

The wooden hut collapses covered by fire.

The destruction caught the attention of the orcs, who surrounded the flames.

No trace of Liu Yang was found in the first few seconds of the cave-in.


Magic circles appeared in the sky and torrents of water fell to put out the flames, the rain would take time to do the same.

The smell of burning wood hung in the air.

"..." The Hunters look out from the other log cabins around.


Suddenly, an explosion happens and the wreckage is scattered everywhere.

A shadow runs at great speed towards the portal.

The most attentive could see what the shadow was.

A purple and black armor with six-pointed spears on its back that completely covered the wearer's body. That was Hunter Drive.

The Hunters didn't understand what this armor was, but the Japanese knew very well.

It was a Rider, but they don't know which Rider it was.

The armor's shape had the characteristics of a spider, but no known Riders had this appearance.

When the big shots Japan and Fujita Daisuke saw what the armor looked like, they were shocked because they knew what it was.

The Hunter Drive they were looking for was finally found, but the owner was someone from another country. This was too dangerous.

To make matters worse, Liu Yang became too strong and it would be not easy to deal with him after using Hunter Drive.

The running speed was so fast it looked like a running shadow.

In a few seconds, more than a kilometer was covered.

Liu Yang disappeared from the Hunters' sight very easily, even the orcs had no way to react and just stood there as if only the wind had passed them by.

Japan was not going to stand by and see the Hunter Drive in someone else's possession.

High-level hunters wearing the powerful Rider armor were dispatched to the African continent in an attempt to retrieve the Hunter Rider.

Japan's move didn't go unnoticed by the other countries, they also noticed what Liu Yang's Rider Armor was. So they also dispatched Hunters to pick it up.

China was a little different because Liu Yang was an inhabitant of the country, they could ask him to hand over the Hunter Rider, but they knew it wouldn't be easy. So some discussions would be made to get the item.

Just in case Liu Yang didn't cooperate, four of the twelve golden generals were sent to the African continent.

Europe sent three knights of the zodiac and the United States sent two members of the STARS, a group made up of the most powerful Hunters in the country, it didn't matter what guild it was, only their power was evaluated.

The Golden Generals, Knights of the Zodiac, STARS, War Chiefs, and others were considered the strongest Hunters in their respective countries.

Whenever a very serious problem is encountered, they are called upon to resolve it.

Liu Yang can be considered someone powerful enough to be their rival, but the difference is that he was at level 0, while the others were above level 200.


Liu Yang ran straight through the city. He didn't take any detours and just ran as fast as he could to get to the portal, but it was impossible to cover tens of thousands of kilometers in five minutes.

So, when Hunter Drive's time was about to end, he hid in a log cabin to rest.

The cabin was a little smaller than before.

Fortunately, there was no one inside or had used the cabin before.

So the rest was not disturbed as before.

The distance between the current location and the entrance to the city was almost a thousand kilometers.

In less than five minutes, Liu Yang had run this insane distance.

Normally, this would be something that only those who had a lot of points in STR and AGI stats, buffs, and movement skills would be able to do.

But Liu Yang managed to do that using Hunter Drive, some buffs, and his powerful body.

A few minutes after his departure, more than ten thousand Hunters arrived on the scene to invade the city.

These Hunters were sent by countries.

A great hunt was about to begin.