Orc World(5)

ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly, several thousand orcs' fierce roars echo across the battlefield, startling the human Hunters as they seemed far scarier than the raging orcs.

But something was noticed by everyone, the eyes of these orcs that appeared were not blood red, but clear.

The most surprising thing was that they weren't attacking the humans, but the other orcs.

Another shocking scene was seen as the orcs were being knocked out, but when they woke up, their eyes had lost their bloodthirsty glow.

Human Hunters realized this and attacked with more frenzy to get as much experience as possible.

The orcs weren't going to let that happen.

Elemental protection spells cover the battlefield to protect the enraged orcs and keep the humans long while the orcs are knocked out.

When spells were about to hit an unconscious orc, a sword cut through the effects and destroyed them.

Looking at the person who did this, the human Hunters showed shocked faces.

"LIU YANG!!!!!!!" They scream at the same time.

"Liu Yang, not only have you caused trouble for many countries, but are you daring to betray the human race?!!!" A member of the STARS yelled angrily because the destroyed spells were his.

The other Hunters agree with his words because it really did seem to be the case.

Liu Yang was hated by many groups because of the deaths on the island near Okinawa Prefecture.

"I am not betraying the human race. I'm just looking for answers." He retorted firmly.

"Answers? What kind of answers can you get from these violent and bloodthirsty creatures?"

"We are not bloodthirsty creatures!!!!" Chief Orgoth yelled fiercely.

A powerful and overwhelming aura fell over the Hunter who spoke this.

"!!!!!!" Hearing an orc speak human language was more shocking than anything they had seen before.

This shows that they not only had humanoid forms, but also intelligence beyond normal.

The Hunters heard them speak the orcs' language, which was a little strange and no one understood what it was. So it wasn't surprising.

But hearing the orcs speak the human language was a pretty insane thing to see. How was this possible?

Since the portal to the orc world was opened, none of them had interactions with humans, so how did they learn human language?

"You are very wrong about them. Just like us humans, they can also do the same things as us. But for some reason, they are being controlled by someone. You saw it, right? Any of you with the ability to see their status can see it too." Liu Yang was halfway between the two groups.

His reason for going to the battlefield instead of entering the portal was to buy as much time as possible so the orcs could purify others. Thus, he would have more allies when entering the world of orcs, besides, he was also absorbing the energies of all the dead on the battlefield.

An orc shaman who had a transport spell helped him get there faster. The same was done by the orcs who were helped by Liu Yang before.

Not even twenty four hours had passed since the battle began, so all energies were absorbed without any loss.

The feeling of many warm and powerful energies entering the body was something very nostalgic for Liu Yang. He hadn't done that in a long time.

Several thousand energy fragments belonging to high level Hunters were like very potent tonics.

Liu Yang's power increased by nearly forty percent.

The system beeped a few times because of the skills and spells he received.

"..." None of them commented because they knew about it.

The first time the scouts saw the orcs, some of them had the ability to see status information.

The thought that all the orcs were being controlled was a very frightening and shocking thing.

Who or what had so much power to control an entire race with several billion members? That was pretty insane to think about.

"But I don't think it's just orcs, you also know that elves and mutated insects are the same thing, right? Something very powerful is controlling them and opening the portals to our world. According to that old shaman, in their world there are no humans or any other races, but information about the other races is in their minds. The voice they heard ordering them to invade the human world is the same as the system. So I assume that the mysterious creator of the portals and the system created this as a game." Liu Yang had similar thoughts before.

The system that everyone had, the leveling and many other things reminds me of an RPG game.

It wasn't just him who had this thought, many others did too, but there was no way to prove it because there weren't enough clues.

Liu Yang was the only one who had more clues because of the Level Lock, but it was still insufficient.

After talking for a while with the old shaman, he had the clues to continue his thinking.

"Besides, there's no need to fight the orcs anymore, right? None of them will give experience anymore after being awakened. There is a new notice in their status" Liu Yang already knew this after the previous experience.

After the effects of the Standards of Fury wore off and the orcs were purified, a warning that none of them would give experience was displayed next to their level.

So there was no more reason to kill the orcs.

"..." The leaders were the most annoyed because of this, as they could no longer level up and get stronger.

The result brought good and bad things, but it depended on each one's thinking.

"Liu Yang, as we cannot gain experience by killing these orcs. We have to fulfill another objective, you!!! SURROUND HIM!!!!!" The main objective of this battle was Liu Yang, not a war with the orcs.

As he appeared on his own, it was the best opportunity to capture him.

"ROGER!!!!!!!!!!" Hunters charge towards him to surround and prevent him from escaping.