Chapter 38: Vincent's Training

"Your training begins...NOW!" Vincent said standing at the center of Lars's group.

"What... but were all tired! We've been in the mines all day!" Reggie complained

"That's absolutely perfect" Vincent said. "Which means Your Ether supplies will already be halfed, this is a perfect time to demonstate something to you all" Vincnet said. "We'll start wih you Reggie" Vincent said.

"Huh what is it?" Reggie said scratching his head.

"What is your power?" vincent asked.

"I have the ability to control metal... I keep metal shards inside of my arm"

"Excellent take all of those metal shards out now!" Vincent ordered.

Pressing a button on the side of his forearm, Reggie shot out huge sheets of metal from his arm. As they fell tot he floor, there was at least 20 square feet of steel sitting on the ground.

"How the hell do you fit all that in your arm!" Lars exclaimed.

"Fit it is one thing, how the hell does he carry it all day?" Lance asked.

"Ok now Reggie, what I want you to do is lift those sheets of metal into the air with your ether!" Vincent said.

Raising his hand into the air, Reggie lifted the sheets of metal with ease.

"OK... now what?" Reggie asked.

"Nothing just hold it there" Vincent said smiling coyly.

After a few moments, Reggie became sweaty focusing as hard as he could on the steel.

"This is harder than I thought.." Reggie said.

"Exactly" Vincent said. "Now what I want you to do is throw the steel at me" Vincent said.


"Just do it!" Vincent ordered.

Reggie tossed the steel as hard as he could but by the time it reached Vincent it crashed to the ground.

"Damnit... its like all my strength disappeared" Reggie said.

"Wait, what;s happening?" Lars asked.

"Reggie try again this time just toss the steel at me directly" Vincent said.

Reggie tossed the steel instantly thrusting it at Vincent.

Pushing out his hand, Vincent caught the steel sheets with ease, and dispatched them to the floor.

"See the difference?" He asked.

"I do.. but why is that happening?" Reggie asked.

"You guys, well most Cadets, fight in bursts, throwing all of your ether to one part of your body to another, but in releasing a constant flow of ether to a specific spot you guys tend to be very bad at."

"But why would I need a constant supply of ether?" Reggie asked.

"Because" Vincent said. "If you release your ether in constant amounts your attacks are very limited all yo can do is throw a punch or hurl a rock! In order to do bigger more complex moves you will need a steady flow of ether through the entire attack!"

"One of you seems to have already learned this technique" He said eyeign Lance. "Creating a whirlwind requires a steady amount of ether, as well as a good spacial understanding of flow to make it circulate, if any of you want to be at his level you will need to do this training."

"Finnally" Lance said. "Someone who sets me apart from these losers"

"However!" Vincnet said glaring at Lance. "Your battle basics are so arrogantly flawed its disgusting! If you were to ever fight an opponent of equal level they will use that against you! But I will cover that another time."

"So how are we going to train?" Lars asked

"By forcing you to be in a state of constant ether flow." Vincent said. "Follow me"

Walking passed the peaks, Vincent brought the group what seemed like a lake as sandfish jumped in an out of the area. After leading them around the fish centered spots, he brought them to a huge pool of sand a kilometer away from the peaks.

"What the hell is that!" Reggie said.

The pool of sand wasn't stationary but seemed to be pullin ginward. As the sand pulled down with enourmous strength, giant fish with Razor sharp teeth swam through it eeing the group as they came close.

"That's a sand pit, there are viscous sand piranhas that can eat through your skin and an endless pit of darkness at the bottom. In order to cross this pit yo will have to be strong enough to swim through the ruthless sand currents as well as, Vince said throwing a hankercheif into the sand. Before it even touched the sand, the piranhas tore it to shreds. "Releasing small burst of ether to smack away the fish"

"And what happens if we aren't strong enough?" Lars asked/

"You will be sucked tot he bottom... and you'll die." Vincent said coldly

"Whhhhhat!" The group screamed.

"I'm just kidding, you will just have to walk back through the mines all the way back tot he peak, which will take about four hours, the sand pirannahs will actually kill you if your ether supply can no longer defend you, so if you feel yourself running out your better off falling to the bottom.

Lars looked into the pit of deadly fish, to anxious to get any closer.

"We'll don't just stand there" Vincent said grabbing Lars.


"Have a nice swim!"

Vincent picked Lars up and threw him into the pit.

"Shit!" Lars screamed as the pirnaahs nawed on his head. "The current its to strong!"

Lars was instantly sucked to the bottom of the pit and landed back in the mine.

"Damnit I didn't even last ten seconds!" Lars sighed, barely rising to his feet.

"ROOOARRR!" Lars heard from behind him.

As he turned around he found himself completely surrounded by terramoles. Atleast ten of them were grouped around his position as if they were waiting for him to fall.

"What the hell kind of training is this!" LArs cried. "IS Vincent trying to kill us!"

"Sorry Ax" Vincent thought. "The main predator of sand piranhas are terramoles, you are probably surrounded by an army of them by now with no water or ether... I'm sorry but it looks like you won't be getting any rest tonight"

As Lars fell back into the cave his back pressed agaisnt the wall as the army of Terramoles drew their claws.