CHapter 43: Rescuing Zrilla

"I want to go home!" Zrilla cried. Locked in a small cage she cried as the five bodyguards watched over her.

"It's Ok honey, you'll be home soon" Kira said to her"Really Eiham is a cage necessary?"

"If The child could sneak her way in here, she can sneak her way out! Just be happy she's alive!" Eiham declared drawing near Zrilla. "If I had it my way you'd be finished!" He screamed at her.

"Eiham!: Musa said to him.

"What is it Musa?"

"My stone golems watching the entrance of this cave have been destroyed, someone is coming in, and whoever they are, they are coming in fast"

As someone appeared in the secret passageway, a;; heads turned to the entrance.

"Zrillla!" Shahir cried.

"Another kid!" Musa yelled. "How does this keep happening?


"So, you've finally arrived" Jonah thought.

Exploding out of the wall to the east of the room Lars and the others burst through coming into the frey.

"ZRILLLA!" Lars yelled "We came to take you home!" LArs yelled.

"AXEL!" Zrilla cried.

"That boy! He's the one who attacked Guille! And look he's brought others with him!"

"How did they make it here?"

"Never mind that! Take the gir-"

Before Eiham could react, a Zrillas cage was wrapped in earth protecting her from his reach.

"A Shifter with earth powers how inconvenient!"

"That's not all!" Lance yelled.


Using his powerful wind powers, Lance created a sandstorm, kicking up all of the dust of the Mind floors.

"Shit! We can't see! The monkey brothers cried.

"Enough!" Eiham cried.

Raising his Cane into the air, a green scepter crystal appeared at its hilt. SMashing it into the air, he dispeld the air around him, removing the viel of the sandstorm.

As he veil dropped, the giant orb of earth that had covereed Zrillas cage was gone.

"Impossible! Where could she have-"

As he looked to the ceiling he saw Lars holding Zrilla in his arms, jumping off the ceiling he made a go for the exit.

"MEN!" Eiham called.

The Monkey brothers Kira and Jonah all chased after Lars dashing across the room in an instant.


Appearing in front of them and cuting off their path, Seymour lifted his righht hand as it became coated in a green sheen.

"That green sheen! That's got to be him! THe S.P.A agent who caused problems for Shine! Seymour Reyes!"

"Nanobots! Come to me!" Seymour yelled.

As he called, milloins of tiny green blobs appeared on his body creating a wave of nanoplarticles that blocked the enemies path.

"Nanowave!" Seymour screamed

The wave of Nanobots crashed intot he five shifters sending them tossed about the room. Since the wave was fuil of tiny robots and not water, after it ht tiny strands of nano sized robots bonding together pinned each of the Shifters against the wall.

"Reggie!" Lars screamed.

"BReaking apart steel!" Reggie screamed. "For me is a piece of cake!"

With a single punch, Reggie broke the steel cage, freeing Zrilla.

"Damnit!" Eiham screamed.

Smashing his sceptor into the ground he broke free of Seymours hold.

"S.P.A agents! Posing as kids! How did you four not notice this!" Eiham boomed.

"We were busy with the Pandora!" Kira screamed. "Which by the way now they know about! We are totally screwed!"

"So that;s the pandora" LArs said lookin gat the huge mountain sized safe.

"Misoin accomplished!" Seymour called to Lars and the others. "Lets move out!"

As Seymour and the others left the cave, Seymoru radioed in Obrian.

"What is it?" O'brian said.

"MIssion has been acomplished" Seymour said. "As of today we have confirmed sighting of the Pandora, requesting additional units to secure it from the Bandits."

"Granted" Obrian said. "We will prepare a plan and attack tonight! Well done, O'brian out."

"So that's it?" Lars said. "Now we hand it over to the authorities?"

"What else can we do?" Seymour said. "Our cover is blown, lets just be thankful we rescued this little girl!" Seymour said laughing

"I guess that's it" Lars said. "So we head back to Sheridan?" Lars said.

"Yeh! I'll even let you guys get some Comic books on me!" Seymour said. "I'll explain tot he higher ups they are for research purposes!"

"YEH!" B cried.

"WOoohooo!" Reggie

"WHo cares about a bunch of Pictur e books?"


"Cool" Lars said. But as he spoke, he felt an uneasy feeling come over him.

"This whole thing went down way to smoothely" He thought. "What am I missing?"

Back in a dark room a man with white hair screamed into his holopad.

"WHy is it tthat S.P.A Atlantica has just alerted me that your men have found a Pandora Shereif!" He boomed

"THis is news to me" Shereif said. "There must have been an era in our communications."

"Heh, well hows this for communications! THe N.H.A and the S.P.A will be down there soon! And your handing the thing over with no payment and no questions asked! If your hiding this from me you must have found it didn't you! You have it! The Matryoshka Pandora!"

"That's right" Shereif said. "And we only have two layers left to crack! The secret weapon of the humans will soon be ours Byron!" Sherief proclamed.

"Over your dead body!" Byron yelled back. "All units move out!"