Chapter 46: The Calm

(Lars dreaming)

The woman in all black named Taliyah and man who Lars couldn't see properly were talking in the darkness.

"The Matryoshka Pandora" The man said, "It is almost within our grasp!"

"What good will that do for us? I thought it was a weapon only to be used by humans."

"Maybe so," The man said. "But with it in our control, they will have no choice to bow to our whims, we will decode it in time, and once we understand its use... We will crush them!""

Woah!" Lars yelled jumping out of bed. He was alone in a room at S.P.A A.R.C and the sun had just come up.

"I've got to tell smomone about this Matryoshka Pandora!"

Running down the stairs hemade way for O'brians office.

"Hey sleepy head finally up!" Reggie laughed. He 6, B and Lance were sitting at a table eating breakfast.

"No time!" LArs said. "I've got to find Obrian!"

After exchanging looks with each other, the group left their hot sandwiches and coffee and headed after Lars.

Arriving at his office, Lars bounded the door open and found no one inside.

"Hey man!" Reggie yelled. "What the hell is going on!"

"I need to tell Obrain!" Lars yelled. "I need to tell him about the Matryoshka Pandora!"

"What the hell is that!" Reggie bellowed.

"I have no idea!" Lars replied.

619 who had been quiet since Lars's sighting turned away from the group at the mention of the word.

"Hmmm" Lance thought "Something tells me he knows whats going on here"

"Hmmmm whats going on here?" said a woman from carrying books in her arms.

Turning back behind them, Lars' saw a woman with glasses approach, confused at the group of teenagers outside of Obrian's office.

She was a young woman somewhere in her mid-20 with curly pink hair, and wore khaki dress pants and a white dress shirt speckled with red dots.

"Ehhh..." Lars said, completely taken aback by the womans beauty. "We are looking for Obrian! HAve you seen him?"

"Obrian? Here now? Are you crazy? Almost half of HQ has left for a missoin!" She said.

"What missoin?" Lance asked inquisitively

"Theres aparently a crazy cool Pandora at Lagara Minshaft! THere heading over to beat up some bad guys trying to steal it!"

"Wait a minute! Half of HQ? THey really all went to fight!"

"Yepp! Even the human government is assisting them, this little extra curricular project you guys were on escalated pretty quick!"

"Wait..." B said. "How do you know about our missoin?" She asked.

"Allow me to introcude myslef!" The woman said twirling her hair around. "My name is Sadira, Captain in the S.P.A and seccond in command of S.P.A A.R.C also Libriarian at A.R.C Library!" She said smiling.

"Wait a minute! I'm getting distracted!" LArs said. "We need to talk to O'brian ASAP!" Lars cautioned. "There's something called the Matryoshka Pandora at the mineshaft!"

The woman, just like 6 went silent, and for a moment, Lance even deteted an exchange of looks between them.

"You don't know anything about that? Do you?" Lance questioned.

"I don't but I know someone who will!" Sadira said. "Someone who knows nearly as much as O'brian!"

"Really! Is that even possible?" Lars asked.

"They don't call her the prodigy for no reason! Follow me to the library and you can meet her yourself!"

After going down an escalator and a pair of steps, Lars and freinds came to a long hallway that seemed as if it led to nowhere.

"Is this... really a library?" Lars asked.

"This is no normal Library" Sadira said arriving at a huge set of double doors. "GO ahead and see for yourself."

Nodding to Reggie and the rest of his friends. Lars opened the door to the Library flooding the hallway with light.

As he opened the doors to the library, he excepted to see a very small room given the size of the underground entrance. However, upon entering its huge wooden doors, he came across saw a multi floor descending complex with thousands of books in it.

"What the hell is this!" Reggie yelled leaning over the railing

As Lars peered over the railing looking as well, looking into its depths he couldn't believe his eyes. From its 20 ft. high shelves to its staircases and guard railings, everything seemed to be alive!

The usual wooden furniture and architecture were made up of multi branch trees, and expanding vines. The tables and chairs were charmingly cut out from the roots of a large tree, while sofas beds and pillows were assembled from a cascade of flowers. There were tree vines and flowers scattered across the top of the bookshelves and a grassy floor that covered their steps.

As they followed Sadira through its rooms, they couldn't help but be amazed.

"Welcome to the S.P.A A.R.C Library!" Sadira said smiling. With her beautiful blush and and the dazzling library it was truly a wonder that some place like this was hidden so far underground day after day.

"The expanding staircase and lively shelves are being controlled by ether. You see, a student here with an incredible power of forestation has assisted me in building the shelves and stairs of this underground system, she's also quite the bookworm herself, she knows some of the old works by heart you know!"

They came to a pause in their tour as Sadira looked up at a large bookshelf. Up on the 20th or 30th shelf was a girl suspended in air, sitting on a large vine that hung high across the top of the library.

"Lily," She said beaming "I've brought some gentleman to help you!"

Back at Lagara, Sherief stood in front of the mine with his men and a holopad to his face. As a dark portrait appeared in front of him he bowed his head momenterily before he spoke.

"Lord... Darius..." Shereif spoke.

"What is it Shereif" A cold and gritty voice boomed. "This better be good."

"It's not sir..." Shereif said pointing the holopad to the sky. "Its not at all."

As Darius looked through his lense he saw Aircrfts, hovercycles and cars, all homin gin on Sheriefs position. Many with the S.P.A logo, but when his eyes fixated on the aircraft, he grew angry and irritable.

"THe N.H.A" Darius croaked. "TO thinl after all this, they want to turn on us? Very well, I read you loud and clear Sherief" He answered.

"What shall I do?" Shereif answered.

"I will send Shine. Vincent and some other men down to assist you, and if need be" Darius said.

Cough Cough

Darius coughed a few times before finishing his words.

"If Grant appears... I will give him another scar!"