Chapter 55: A Pointless Battle Part 3

Lars disappeared from Jonah's sight in a blink and reapeared in front of him.

"Damnit too fast to cloak!" Jonah groaned

Lars twisted his knuckles firing a punch into Jonah's jaw. As his fist got colse to Jonah's face an invisivble barrier stopped it from going closer.

"Forcefield!" Jonah cried

An invisible shockwave pusled out knocking Lars off balance.

"So he has an invisible defense around him as well! This is going to be harder than I thought!"

"Keep going baby blue" B thought lookin gon at the fight.

"Keep your eyes on queen B!" Kira screamed As her stinger went into B's rock sheild it shattered it to pieces. As the stinger pushed through it spun in circles at great velocity pulsing with electricity.

"She put torque onto her attack to make it stronger!"

Dodging backwards, B narrowly avoided the stinger attack.

As she dodged, Kira cracked a smile


B was struck with a jolt of electricty that fizzled out of the stinger

"Impossible! THat didn't hit!" B said

She was stunned in place y the attack unable to answer back.

"That's the thing about the sting!" Kira said. "Even when it doesn't hit it still hurts!"

Turning her left hand towards B, she jammed the stinger into B's stomach

"Shock Pulse!" Kira screamed

Slamming the Stinger into B's belly she overloaded B's body with electricity.

"Ughf" B said falling to her knees.

"Unlike honey bee's my stinger is filled with electric potential! I can leak it all around my body causing pulses that can strike you even if you are afoot away from the attack! I just hit you with 60,000 volts! You shouldn't be able to move now"

"Hmph," B said looking up. "Don't get so cocky"

"What!" Kira remarked

Punching the ground with her fist, B caused a slab of earth to rise up below Kira.

Flying into the air Kir put distance between B and her self.

"Bad call" B said. "The ceilings are rocks too."

As B forced her arms to the ground a hoard of stones fell form the ceiling in an aray.

"Stone storm!"

B cried

Kira dodged back and forth, avoiding the falling pebbles as B directed them from Below

On the other side of the battlefield Reggie became cornered by Musa's giant stone golems.

"YOur finished!" Musa cried.

As the creatures neareed his position, Reggie raised his hands to his ear, like he was naswering a phone call

"Hmmm you managed to find their weakness out already?" He said


THe stone golems collapsed onto him striked the ground with their giant stone fists.

"HAHAH! Take that loudmouth! Now with him out of the way-"


Reggi flew past the golems, flying through the air in style

"WHATTT!" Musa cried

with a giant mettalic hammer in his grasp, Reggie looked back at the stone golem that had been in fron tof him.

As the golem turned around, it's leggs began to wobble. As the golem tried to maintain its footing, it began to collapse, falling into itself.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" MUsa cried.

at the bottom of the Golems foot, there was a giant dent made by Reggies hammer that caused it to become unbalnced. Unable to sustain its own weight, it body fell into its self, breaking its legs apart.

"Heh! Your stone golems are too top heavy! Take out a chunk of stone at the bottom and they fall like toy soldiers!" Reggie said.

"HOW THE HELL did you figure out that so fast!"

"I'm not telling!" Reggie said cruising through the air. "Now where are you! I kknow that stone face aint your real body yo!"

"You figured that out too!" The stone figure of Musa cried.

The last cadet stood back with his hands crossed waiting for his opponents to get it together.

"Transform!" The twins yelled.

as they channeled their ether, the turned into a set of to oversized human primate hybrids, each with thick giant tales.

"GO!" The y cried

againt they tried the same formation approachin gLance from etiher side.

"Your faster" Lance said. "But still to predictable!"

"Take this!" The twins ran at him once again trying to string their attacks together. As they struck hard and fast they were unable to catch Lance as he bobbed and weaved between their attacks.

Dodging below their strikes t the same time, Lance sweeped both of them off the ground, causing their bodies to sway in midair.

"Huyuah!!" Lance yelled.

Pressing his hands into both of their stomachs, he caused a gust of wind to pulse out, sending each of the twins into a crater in the wall.

As Lars got back up he scanne dthe battlefield for Jonah.

"I can't sense him on the ground even with all this water... which means"

Lars looked up to the ceiling.

"He's not on a ground surface!"

Aiming a flush of water directly above him he felt the Jonah's presence on the ceiling.

"FOUND YOU!" Lars yelled.

Riding a coloimn of water to the top of the cave Lars collapsed onto the jonah's position.

"Forcfield!" Jonah cried.

As his forcefield pulsed out he watched as Lars fell into the coloumn of water.

"No way! He used the coloumn to absorb the shock! But that means he has no attack!"

Landing on top of Jonah Lars grabbed him by his invisible collar.

"Hiding from me..." Lais said as Jonah's stealth began to vanish.

"Is Pointless!"

Lars headbutted Jonah in the jaw causing him to fall back, grabbing onto his collar. Using all of his might Lars threw Jonah to the ground sending him crashing on his back.

"Just... what... IS THIS!" Eiham cried. "You guys are losing.. to a bunch of children!"

HE watched as the battles of each of his subordinates became more and one sided.

NO matter! Give me the box!" He yelled at the engineer.

"But sir we are on the last layer!"

"I'm aware! give me your tools! I'll open it myself!"

Grabbing the pandora, Elham disappeared into the depths of the mine.

Lars stood in the battleground waiting for Jonah to get off the ground.

"I told you!" Lars said. "This battle wasn't pointless."

"Hmhm" Jonah croaked.


"What's so funny."

"The last layer is being undone as we speak, your deaths are all but guaranteed! Soon everything will come to an end!"