Chapter 57: A Pointless Battle Part 5

Lance stood with his arms crossed as he watched the monkey twins struggle to reach there feet for the fifht time.

"How many times do I have to kick your as for you to get it?" Lance laughed.

As the boys returned to their feet, they each gave each other a silent nod.

"Lets use it then" The first twin said.

"Are you sure?" The second twin said. "What if we go beserk and hur our on comerades?"

THe other twin pointed around the battlefield as one after another their comerades fell.

"THer's no one left to hurt" THe twin said reaching into his pocket. The twin lifted up a shiny blue vial the misted at the top, like a vapor.

"Impossible!" Lance cried.

"Your a Cadet and you have seen Euporia before?" The twin laughed. "What kind of fun were you havin gin the proving grounds."

A memory flashed through Lances mind.

"PLEASE LANCE GIVE IT TO ME!" A woman cried from her bed, the skin on her flesh solwly peeling off her fingers.

Lance opened every cupboard and dresser in his house but he couldn't find it.


As he came to the basement of his home, he found a half used blue vile lying on the floor. Seizing it up as fast as he could he delivered it to the woman.

"THank you my son..." The woman said as her skin began to heal. Her body old and worn, like she was 100 years old, but still fully intact.

"Mother... This is all his fault... If I ever see him again I'll kill him!"

"Please..." His mother begged. "You must never go after Raven"

"Don't say that name!" Lance cried. "That man killed my father! And he nearly did the same to you... Just hearing you say his name...." Lance trailed off, a tear fell from his eye as he writhed in pain.

"Reminds me of how much I've lost"

(back to presnet)



Lance was hit with a fiery blow to the stomach sendin ghim flailing blackwards scrambling his feet.

"Where... when did they get this power! I was so blanked out I couldn't"


Lance was hit from the back by another blow this tim sending him tumbling across the floor.

"So fast I can't even see!"

As soon as he blinked the two brothers were on top of him.

They looked different now, each glowing with gold skin shining radiantly as a blue vapor eminated from their bodies.

"MONKEYS Fist!" the duo cried.

Striking Lance with both their paws they burried him into the ground.

"Uhhh guys?" 6 asked B and Reggie. "Shouldnt we help?"

"Hell no!" Reggie remarked. "Its a freaking breeath of fresh air to see his ass kicked!"

"B?" 6 pleaded.

"Well... I'm out of ether anyway.... I'm sure he'll be fine."



Lance flew right by the trio hit by the force of a devestating shockwave. He dented into the wall behind them, literally being beat before their very eyes.

"Fine" Reggie said cracking his knuckles. "Lets see if I can lend an overly large metallic hand-"

"Don't" Lance croaked.

He was still inside of a crater in the wall, pinned by the force of the Monkeys attack.

"As the monkey brothers neared Lance the wind began to pick up.

"Euphoria" Lance said. "You were fools to use it in front of me... now I can't guarantee your lives."

As the monkey brothers began to close in, a turbulence built up slowing them down. Reggie and the others began to get blown back as wind picked up.

"THis guys gone psycho!" Reggie screamed. "Let's get out of here!"

As the wind began to pick up, Lance levitated rising from the crater in the wall. As his ether pulsed, a green energy started to glow around his body.

Grabbing the air with both of his hands he stratch out like he was about to tear a hole in the air.

"Wind... Shredder" LAnce said coldy.

A huge shockwave of tiny pulsese flushed the area in front of him. The ground rocks and debris were cut to pieces as it approached the brothers.


Tearing into the lungs and chest of the monkeys the wind shredded them, spilling their blood across the battlefield.

"Uhhghh" The brothers cried as they began to lose consciousness.\

"LANCE!" 6 cried "That was way too much! You could have killed them!"

"Open your eyes" Lance said. "That's the point! look around you does these look like your normal everyday criminals"

6 looked around at all the derbis and scattered bodies that were defeated. THen he turned to Reggie, who had a shoulder wound, and B who had been stung in her stomach by a high voltage attack. And then he looked to Lars.

Standing in the center, he watched as Lars pulled his ether together, through the broken ribs blood stained uniform trying to gather enough strength for an attack.

"He's right 6" B said. "FOr once he's right... I don't want to kill anyone... but if we don't have the intent... how can we survive?"

"How!" 6 said. "How can you just say that! How can you guys just flip a switch! How can you just watch people get hurt so easy? Even you Reggie! Usually you would throw in a joke by now."

Reggie looked back at 6, and sternly faced him. A heavy wait in his eyes was seen as he came forward.

"6... this is the reason we became agents..." Reggie siad. "It's because... all of our lives we've seen people get hurt."

"Even you! What about your jokes?"

"Do you know how I lost my arm? You know before it was mechanical?" Reggie asked.

"No... what happend?" 6 asked.

"It was cut off by poeple who were after my life... I was ten years old, That doesn't sound like a joke does it?"

"No... it doesn't"

"Exactly" Reggie said. "We may joke from time to time, but each one of us is fighting for something, that's why we are here! We didn't join an agency where agents get killed everyday to have a good time!"

"I... I can't beleive this... you guys are so much mature than I thought... I feel like I don't even know you... and I call you my friends."

"You don't know us" B said. "But in time you will that's what friendship is about!"


Lars drew his last bit of ether as he caused a hugepool of water to encircle him.

"Let's end this!" He cried stepping towards Jonah.

"My thought's exactly!" Jonah said stepping forward. "Let's end this pointless fight!"