Chapter 80: Beauty vs The Beast Lily vs Riley Part 3

Riley flexed his muscles, focusing as much ether as he could into his body.

"Monkeys…" Riley said as the army of plants got within arm's length


Riley's body became covered in a coat of red fur. The blood vessels in his eyes bulged and popped becoming doused with rage, as he began to beat his chest in a violent maniacal rhythm.


As a shockwave of sound erupted from his mouth all of the plants that were too small to withstand the sound instantly dropped to the floor.

"What… is he!" Lily shrieked

"RUUUERRR!" Riley screamed, taking out all 6 Foxtails with just a swipe of his Claw.

"PRiiiincceesss!!!" Lily's large Oak man yelled as Riley approached.

'REEUUURRRRR!" Riley screamed using his palm he slammed it into the center of the tree.

"Ooooooaaaaa" The tree moaned as it slowly fell to pieces.