I'm Really Not That Interesting

Scott didn't know what was wrong with him. He had never reacted to shaking anyone's hand like that. Maybe there was a lot of static electricity in this stupid elevator.

"Do you do anything theater-related these days aside from getting stuck in elevators haunted by the Phantom?" he asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Not unless you count acting out one-woman shows when I'm in the car," Delia said in a would-be light tone. There was a distinct sadness in her eyes that her tone couldn't hide. "I would love to be involved somehow but I'm not qualified."

"How do you become qualified?"

"A costume or fashion design degree, a bunch of internships, and a design portfolio. I don't even know how to sew. I just put outfits together."

"You seem good at that though. Your outfit now is nice," Scott said honestly.

Delia smiled at him, obviously surprised by the compliment. "Is it really? Thank you! I normally don't wear things like this. I was trying something new tonight. I barely got this dress the other day."

"What do you do if you aren't involved in theater?"

"...this and that. I run an online store, among other things. What about you?"

"I own a nightclub."

"That sounds interesting! I do enjoy dancing," Delia said. "How did you get into that? I've never known anyone else in the nightclub business."

"I started out as a bouncer and the old owner liked me so he took me under his wing and showed me the ropes. He retired to Florida last year and left it to me," Scott admitted, leaving out a lot of the details.

"Huh. That's cool. Do you like it?"

"Well enough. It's the only job I've ever had. Do you like running an online store?"

Delia shrugged. "Not really but it pays the bills. Girl's gotta eat somehow. And be able to go to shows and shop."

Scott laughed. She was so straightforward. "I take it you also enjoy shopping?"

"Oh, I love shopping. It's one of my favorite things to do."

"I can honestly say I don't get the appeal but you do you. I try to avoid shopping as much as possible."

"What do you do with your free time then?"

"Watch sports, mostly. I know, super stereotypical guy thing to do."

"No more stereotypical than a girl loving to shop," Delia said with a laugh. "That can't be all you do though. What other hobbies do you have?"

"Video games and reading car magazines."

"Wow. You just hit two more things on the stereotypical guy hobby list."

Scott coughed, a bit embarrassed. "What about you? What else do you do when you aren't working?"

"Depends on what I'm in the mood for. I like video games too and you already know about my love of musicals. I do some DIY stuff too, like making my own lip glosses. I'm really not that interesting."

He had never heard of anyone who made their own lip gloss. That seemed plenty interesting to him and he told her so. She seemed pleased by that based on her smile.

"I'd say more weird than interesting though. I have a deep, dark secret hobby I've never told anyone about," Delia said with a conspiratorial look on her face that made him think she was kidding.

"Oh yeah? And you're going to tell me?"

"We're stuck in an elevator together and it's probably been more than an hour now. It's the time for such things."

Scott laughed. She said that so seriously. "Alright then. Hit me with it."

Delia took a deep breath and closed her eyes before confessing, "I'm a doll collector. Only for a specific kind of doll though. Most people haven't even heard of them since they came and went so quickly…"

She explained how she got into it and that her collection was mostly complete aside from a few rare ones that she told him the names of. He had no idea anyone could get so fired up about dolls but he had no room to judge. People liked what they liked and it wasn't hurting anyone.

"…so there you have it. My deep, dark super embarrassing secret hobby," Delia finished dramatically before looking at him, clearly expecting him to think she was crazy.

"I don't think it's embarrassing. They're collectors' items, aren't they? It's not like you play with them."

"I only brush their hair because it smells good."

She had explained that they all had specific scents. Was that why she had gotten into them in the first place? Because she liked the way they smelled? It wasn't so farfetched. Women loved perfumes and scented candles, didn't they? He always saw ads for them targeted at men trying to buy their significant others gifts.

"You like things that smell good?" Scott asked somewhat stupidly.

Delia nodded vigorously. "I love them! One of my favorite stores is Bath and Body Works because of their perfumes, scented lotions, and candles. I could practically live in there. Here, smell this."

She pulled a lotion out of her purse and opened it before holding it out to him. He had no idea what that scent was supposed to be but it did smell nice. She had to be wearing it because it smelled like a stronger version of her.

"It's good."

"I have so many of these it's not even funny. I'm never going to get through them all," she said with a rueful shake of her head. "The candles or perfumes either. Oh well."

"Why do you keep buying more then?" Scott asked curiously.

"Because they release new scents all the time. Duh. I try a new one and I can't resist. It's kind of a problem."

"I see."

He didn't understand. He didn't spend enough time around women. He didn't collect anything so he couldn't comprehend the urge. Richie was right; he really needed to get out more. He was embarrassing himself.