She Lit Up His Life

Scott had heard the same thing from Richie somewhat recently. The older man had demanded pictures of the two of them and couldn't believe how sappy he looked. Or sounded from some of the things Scott told him the two of them had done together that Richie never would have thought he would be caught dead doing.

"Must be the power of love," he had said.

Scott didn't think he was in love with Delia. Wasn't it too soon for that? He really hadn't known her that long but he did spend as much of his free time as possible with her. Maybe it was more about the quality of the time than the quantity.

He didn't know what love felt like though. He had never experienced it before.

"Surprisingly, you aren't the first person to tell me that," Scott said with a laugh. "Richie gave me a hard time about it the other day."

Delia blinked at him in surprise. "You tell other people about me?"

"He's pretty much the only one. Why? Don't you?"