The Sole Heir To The Blackwell Fortune

Somehow, Cherry's true appearance fit her though. Her personality was fairly bubbly from what Elle had seen and her name matched her hair.

Cherry momentarily stopped flipping through the channels on the TV, ran to the bathroom, and made terrible retching sounds before emerging a few minutes later with an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry about that."

"…are you okay? Are you sick?" Elle asked worriedly.

Should she really be here if she was sick? Did her husband know about this? She should be at home resting.

Cherry shook her head. "No, I'm not sick. You can obviously keep a secret but this needs to stay between us because the only other person aside from my husband who knows I'm pregnant is my father-in-law. We're waiting to make an announcement until I start to show since I'm only three months along."