Because You're One Of Them?

"You think I'm nice," Collin stated rather than asked.

Charlotte nodded earnestly. "Yeah. You showed me around when you didn't have to and helped those girls find the dining hall. Plus you saved me a seat at dinner when I didn't have anyone else to sit by."

"That was done entirely for my own benefit, as we've previously established."

"I still benefited from it though."

He supposed she had a point. He couldn't switch tacks so easily though. "It's been a long time since someone told me that."

"Guess you're hanging around the wrong people then," Charlotte said with another shrug.

Collin certainly was. When he was forced to hang out with people period, they were always the wrong people. Not the sort he got along with at all. The only real friends he thought he ever made were in college when he minored in music but when they found out who his father was, they wanted to take advantage of him too.