She Hadn't Been Forgotten

It hit Elle a moment later that she recognized the music that had been playing. It was one of the songs she listened to last night. She was so sleep deprived that she forgot about her initial hesitance about outing him.

"That's one of yours, right? I listened to them all last night and added them to my favorite Spotify playlist. You're really talented."

"Thanks, I—hang on! I never said they were mine!"

"Collin, you literally used your own name backwards. It was kind of obvious," Elle said. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't think anyone else will notice. I only did because you recommended it to me personally. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there with switched names with someone else."

Collin's face was bright red. "…are you sure?"

"Yeah. Relax."

"You really liked them enough to add all of them to a playlist you listen to all the time?"

Elle nodded. "I did. See?"