Why Are You Here?

Charlotte must have stayed up all night to read because Collin didn't see her at breakfast. Instead, he was accosted by someone he had seen but whose name he didn't know. She was batting her eyelashes at him in a very familiar, very off-putting way.

"Hi, Collin. You're so hard to track down!" she said with an insincere laugh.

Oh boy. Another one of these.

She was certainly pretty but he wanted nothing to do with someone who only knew who he was because of his father. It wasn't normal to say hi to someone you didn't know personally with their name unless they were wearing a nametag.

"…hi. You are?" he asked.

"Oh, silly me! I should have introduced myself when you helped me and my sister the other day. I'm Elizabeth Edwards, the Blackwell heiress," she said. "It's so nice to officially meet you!"