It's Not What You Think

Elle was fairly miserable back in her normal life of working and volunteering only to come home and cook, clean, and deal with everyone's rudeness. Elizabeth was convinced she was going to be the next Mrs. Carrington because of some guy she had been sticking to like glue on the cruise and Alice didn't stop whining about how she wanted a rich boyfriend too. 

Elizabeth told her that she would have been able to get one if she didn't stuff her face like a pig the whole time and that started a three-way argument between them and Darlene that lasted for hours. To spare her sanity, Elle put on her headphones and blasted her music as she cleaned. 

It was as if the past week had been a dream. Only the videos on her phone and the $10,000 in her bank account proved that it hadn't been. 

Elle only wished she could pay the rest of her debt off right away. It would be too suspicious if she did at all at once because Darlene would want to know where she got the money.